MovieChat Forums > Video Games > Do you use controllers on PC?

Do you use controllers on PC?

After years of trying to get my ps3 controller to work on PC i finally gave in and bought an Xbox one (S) controller.

It seems well made but it might take a while for me to unlearn 2 decades of the superior DualShock layout.

It's interesting to see what games are compatible. The best ones obviously being console games that were later ported to PC.

The main reason i bought it was to finally play that horrific Dark Souls Steam port but i know i just need to figure out how to play it over 4 fps.

What's your experience?? Have you ever bought a dreaded 3RD PARTY controller *shivers*

"I'm going to steal your heart on a daily basis"
Formerly known as DanteRussiašŸ’


Yeah, I used to use a 360 controller, but upgraded to the Xbox One S controller. Only use it for platformers, Dark Souls, and racing games, though. Everything else plays better with a keyboard and mouse. The Dualshock is absolute *beep* for everything, and it requires dodgy as *beep* third party software to use, so I can understand why you would choose to upgrade to a proper controller. Steam now has native support for the Xbox 360 and One controller, so it doesn't matter if the game has controller support any more.

Dark Souls is a *beep* port, but install the fan patch and you'll have the objectively best version of the game. You can even buff the frame rate up to 60.

I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required
