MovieChat Forums > Video Games > Do you use controllers on PC?

Do you use controllers on PC?

After years of trying to get my ps3 controller to work on PC i finally gave in and bought an Xbox one (S) controller.

It seems well made but it might take a while for me to unlearn 2 decades of the superior DualShock layout.

It's interesting to see what games are compatible. The best ones obviously being console games that were later ported to PC.

The main reason i bought it was to finally play that horrific Dark Souls Steam port but i know i just need to figure out how to play it over 4 fps.

What's your experience?? Have you ever bought a dreaded 3RD PARTY controller *shivers*

"I'm going to steal your heart on a daily basis"
Formerly known as DanteRussia💏


I have an xbone controller for controller supported games and a Steam controller for KBM ones.

If I wanted to play games at a desk I'd stay at work and flirt with the married girls.


Steam controller

What is that thing like?

"I'm going to steal your heart on a daily basis"
Formerly known as DanteRussia💏



Playing usual type games on it takes some re-learning - perhaps too much - but for playing point'n'clicks, puzzle, and strategy games it's excellent.


If I wanted to play games at a desk I'd stay at work and flirt with the married girls.

are you arguing that you can't play games with a keyboard and mouse on your couch? Because I do exactly that all the time. I just put an old clipboard with a mousepad on the arm of the couch and put my keyboard in my lap and, presto, keyboard and mouse from the comfort of my living room.


You use the word 'comfort'... 😕


It depends entirely on what I'm playing. Most of the time I'm a keyboard and mouse kind of person, especially for shooters and or third person action games, but there are certain types of games that I just can't train my brain to use the keyboard with. Most notably platformers. For example right now I'm playing a game called 20XX that I bought on steam. The game is basically Megaman, jump, shoot, repeat, that kind of thing, and I've been using my controller for that because there's just no way I could maneuver such a jump heavy action platformer with a keyboard and mouse.

It's things like that, though, that ultimately highlight the greatest strength of PC gaming. customization. You can play a game pretty much however you want. Whatever you're comfortable with you can use without issue.

Oh and if you can't train your brain to use an xbox controller because of it's incredibly clunky design, and I can fully understand why you'd have a problem with it after years of using the far superior playstation controller, you should just pick up a PS4 controller or decent third party alternative. It's much easier to get those to work on your PC than a PS3 controller, and they're definitely preferable to the xbox controller.


Console gaming is vastly superior to PC gaming.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


After years of trying to get my ps3 controller to work on PC i finally gave in and bought an Xbox one (S) controller.
Years of trying? Just plug in the USB mini Cable to your PC and download motioninjoy. I used to play games with the ps3 controller on PC.
What's your experience??
I use ps4 controller for retro games (2d platformers, brawlers, fighting games etc), because the dpad is much better then the Xbox ones. And I use Xbox one controller for almost everything else (racing games, 3d platformers, 3rd person view games, single player fps games). Only online competetive games I use my mouse and keyboard, since I much prefer being able to play games on the couch instead of sitting in front of a desk.
