93 - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
It was enjoyable enough. Easily the best in the series.
91 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
Took my ages to stick with it. Something about the game just didn't click for me.
Haven't played.
90 - Overwatch
Best multi-player game since, like, Titanfall?
89 - Rez Infinite
Haven't played.
89 - Titanfall 2
Super-awesome game. One of the better campaigns of the year, surprisingly enough. I didn't think they could make a campaign without sacrificing what made Titanfall what it was to begin with. Clearly I was wrong.
89 - Dark Souls III
Another great game. Still haven't played the DLC, though. Haven't heard great things, and I'm trying not to sour myself on the genre.
89 - Battlefield 1
Eh. It's OK, I guess.
88 - Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration
Still haven't finished it yet. Wish I'd just bought the vanilla game, to honest. All the DLC and whatnot just adds an unnecessary amount of stuff to the game. Like, I was just given an arsenal of weapons, whereas in the first game I had to find them in the game itself and so on.
88 - NBA 2K17
Haven't played and never will.
88 - Dishonored 2
I have a conflicting opinion on the first game. It has some interesting mechanics and art style (like a whale-punk version of Half Life), but then it desperately wants to be a stealth game, an aspect that it horribly fails at. Oh, and it chastises you for killing, yet the majority of gear in the game is made to murder, and the game constantly tells you to murder people. So, never had much incentive to play the second game. Surprised it was rated that high.
88 - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Have it, but haven't played.
88 - XCOM 2
Only played through the opening mission.
87 - The Witness
Really want to play. Been on my wishlist for ages now. Too many games, though.
87 - Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
I have the original and never played through it.
86 - Stardew Valley
Have it, but haven't played.
86 - Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-
Haven't played.
85 - DiRT Rally
Haven't played.
85 - Crypt of the NecroDancer
Have it, but haven't played.
85 - DOOM
It was fine.
I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required