MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANSWERED: Story Editor - which section?

ANSWERED: Story Editor - which section?

In a documentary series "Great American Railroad Journeys" (2016), Season 2 episodes, there is a credit on-screen for Colette Hooper as Story Editor. This is in amongst various producer credits such as Assistant Producer, Edit Producer, Commissioning Editor etc. Colette Hooper has many Producer credits, mainly for Michael Portillo's Great British/Continental/American Railway/Railroad Journeys programmes.

Someone has added her Story Editor credits in the Writers section. I've continued this trend when submitting details for other episodes in the Season, but is Writers the best place to put these credits?

They are definitely not Editor/Editorial credits, because (like Commissioning Editor) they use the word "editor" in the sense of newspaper editor (deciding policy on what is and isn't included) rather than in the sense of the mechanics of selecting the shots, cutting to time and joining film/videotape/MPEG files.


There are 30,425 credits for Story Editor in the Writers section
Also executive story editor (117), junior story editor (196), senior story editor (277), series story editor (105), story editor/writer (100) & supervising story editor (29) and others

There are 103,992 credits as Story Editor in the Misc (Other Crew) section
Also senior story editor (3,083), series story editor (1,108) and many others



OK. So a writer with a attribute of story editor is not unusual. Fair enough. That's what I wanted to check. I'll carry on submitting successive episodes like that (and move the one that I accidentally put into the producers section earlier today!)

There's a fair amount of tidying to do for the three Great XXX Railway/Roadroad Journeys series because over the years I've submitted loads of Post Production Coordinator credits in the Misc rather than Editorial section.


Hi martinu-2,

Story editor credits should be submitted to the writer section.



As a matter of interest, in a documentary (railway-based travelogue), what does a story editor do, given that the programmes are factual rather than fictional? The same person was credited as Producer or Edit Producer in all the earlier seasons.


It is a job title which can cover a whole multitude of roles. I guess it's similar with something like Big Brother, they look at the footage then tailor that footage around a centralised story of their own creation. In a factual based program a "story" could refer to the order in which the presenter/viewer experiences events which creates the overall narrative of the show.



Is that a strict hard-and-fast rule?

I discovered "story editor" in the other credits section years ago and have been keeping it there in my submissions, especially since I update titles that already have "story editor" credits in that section -- it would be confusing to have it in two sections. I don't want to have to spend my time updating every title, or even most titles, that I contribute to by moving credits from one to the other.

My personal thinking has been that main writers (story by, written by, screenplay by, teleplay by), creators, and developers should go there while additional writers, staff writers, story editors, executive story editors, so forth I'd keep in the other credits section, especially since I found them there years ago.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


Hi justinboggan,

No we starting accepting these as writers a few years ago. We have a number of contributors going back and amending these to the writers section but if you do submit these attributes please do so in the writer section.



Hey Will:
I don't know if it would help contributors if the story editor responsibility be removed from the drop down menu under the "Other Crew" section. Would that screw up the existing story editor entries under Other Crew?
