MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANSWERED: How to see the date of upload ...

ANSWERED: How to see the date of upload of a photo?

Dear fellow contributors:

Can you help me find the way to see the date an image was uploaded? I can't manage to do it with the new mediaviewer.

I need to delete a duplicate poster and wanted to keep the oldest one:
Thank you very much in advance!

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


I don't believe it's possible in the contemporary design of the site's system. Not even the available metadata mentions the upload date.


I don't believe it's possible in the contemporary design of the site's system. Not even the available metadata mentions the upload date. Never mind that. Actually there is a way.



Reference...'Actually there is a way.'

What way would that be?

The last time I saw a submission date on a site photo was on Jan. 31, 2017. mid-afternoon CST...and I've looked at several hundred since then, while adding missing name-tags and/or deleting duplicates.(The site spell-checker does not like the word...duplications.)

Col Needham said the site removed them. Have you found a way to overturn that action on their part?




What way would that be? I explain in another reply directly to the OP of this thread. It involves examination of the image file present on Amazon cloud services.



You can't do it anymore with anything. The site(very,very recently) removed the submission dates that used to be displayed under the photo on the left side. Col Needham said it was because...I hope you aren't holding a hot beverage that you might spill and burn yourself...some people (not named to protect the dumb) thought it was the date the photo/image was taken.

So, if one had submitted a photo/image on April 1, 2016 from Jesse James at Bay(1941) with Roy Rogers and George "Gabby" Hayes these confused people seem to think that the image-contributor had dug up Roy and Gabby from their graves in order to shoot a re-make photo. Since Roy played a dual role in that film they must also think the April 1, 2016 contributor/dead-people-photographer used a split-screen camera.

I guess you'll have to guess which poster is the oldest.



I need to delete a duplicate poster and wanted to keep the oldest one:
Thank you very much in advance!

Bulma, why do you need the date ?

You can simply suggest that an image should be deleted.

But you must provide a sound reason.

I looked at all the pics and they are fine.

If you want to upload a better version (higher resolution, better colors etc.) ,

just do it & then delete the former version with the 'duplicate' function.

It usually needs a few days.

It's quite easy, I do it quite often.

If you have problems, just ask…HQ pics are welcome.


Bulma, why do you need the date ?

You can simply suggest that an image should be deleted. I do not even know what Bulma means about the duplicate. I don't see any duplicates. The idea, I guess, is to delete a duplicate on account of its age.


Thank you, the duplicated poster was deleted today, probably at the time of your answer.
I wanted to see the date because, if the other poster was submitted by production staff of the movie, I rather keep that than my submission.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language
