MovieChat Forums > Children and Family Films > Who remembers Wishbone?

Who remembers Wishbone?

And who would like to be able to see the whole series again? It's to my understanding that the show does still air on PBS Kids, which is good if you have that channel, but a lot of us don't, and there are only I think about 10 episodes out on video, and we've seen them all by now enough times that we probably have them memorized. It doesn't make sense to me that they'll put out whole series of other kids shows which are terrible, and show them about 5 hours a day every day on basic cable channels, but the good stuff we have to hunt for. What's everybody else think?


Its ten year old daughter just found an old WISHBONE book in her closet and is reading it to me. Its the WISHBONE version of THEPRINCE AND THE PAUPER! very cute.
I went on NETFLIX to see if these is a WISHBONE DVD collection but alas, they only have about two single episodes to rent.
I havent seen the show in YEARS and I miss it. He was so damn cute!

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And you know, I personally LOVE the fact that they made him a dog who knew about books and he would mentally dive into the classic stories because that had a major influence on a bunch of the kids who watched the show and they released so many book series because of it...and not a lot of shows do that, they don't want the kids thinking, they don't want them reading books, so really Wishbone has a lot to offer us over most other kids shows.


I love Wishbone, and wish it still came on every afternoon, as it did when my older kids (now ten and almost fifteen) were little. It does come on once a week on our local PBS station, but now my big kids are too big for it and my little kids are still a bit too young. I wish they'd release the whole series as a DVD box set. Even if the kids didn't get anything out of it, I'd watch 'em myself!

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


What you might do if you can, is record them when they come on, that way you can enjoy them now, and if the show's taken off by the time your younger kids are old enough to enjoy it, they can still see it.


That's a good idea, yet it had somehow never crossed my mind. I think I'll start doing that!

I still wish they'd put them all out on DVD, though...

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


Me too, this is just ridiculous, especially since most of us don't even get that channel, and what's up with only showing it once a week? When I was a kid it was on every day at 3 and 5.


Actually a while back (like months, maybe even a year, gosh time flies) they were showing wishbone once a week on PBS, I'm not sure if they still do but I was able to catch a few eps then. Also the other channel you're thinking of might have shown it before but I'm pretty sure they don't now.

They used to show Bill Nye at night but I don't know if they even do that anymore.

I loved Wishbone as a kid. I learned so many things from it. It's a ashame programming for kids can't be as fun and informative anymore.

You're cute in a Quasimodo kind of way.


Ain't it the truth? Wishbone brought the classics to life and they may have changed the details but they kept with the original idea of how they were supposed to be and carried out the story's most crucial parts. Did you see what they did with the literary characters in the Fairly oddparents in comparison? Shameful is about all I can say. It seems they just do NOT want kids watching anything TRULY educational or that will make them think, or that might *cringe* lead to them reading more.
