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FREE Indie Filmmaking eBook - "The 15 Secrets of Atomic Filmmaking"

Hi Filmmakers,

I'm launching a filmmaking book called: "Hollywood Hates This Book: The 7 Step Guide To Making Your Film For FREE" Features a foreword by Carlos Gallardo (El Mariachi, Desperado, Planet Terror) and has testimonials from these Hollywood legends:

In the meantime, I've crafted an eBook for filmmakers entitled: "The 15 Secrets of Atomic Filmmaking" and have made it entirely FREE. You can download a copy here:



Andy, I agree with what you are saying. I am certainly the first person to tell filmmakers that, to become a filmmaker, one needs to make films. This is how one gains experience and learns from their earlier mistakes. Even if they start out just making films with friends, family or just their dog in their backyard, one learns by DOING, not by talking about it.

Books that serve to help potential filmmakers save time and money - and learn from OTHERS mistakes - are valuable tools.

Plus, I don't just talk the talk; I put my money where my mouth is by donating a huge portion of my time to new, young or emerging filmmakers to help them get the action scenes they want within the budget they have to work with. When not on the big sets, I am usually somewhere on a student film, working for little (and sometimes no) pay, just to support the industry, help educate new filmmakers and keep my friends and colleagues safe. Even after nearly 30 years in the film industry, I will work on films where their entire budget is less than we spend on doughnuts for the teamsters in one day on a Samuel L. Jackson movie.

Many of my professional colleagues will do the same, to support the industry and help new filmmakers with their projects. Plus, I am also a filmmaker, writer and producer myself, so I understand the emerging technology as well as the need to get a lot of help in making films within the budgets we have to work with.

BUT you can also understand the alarm bells that go off when people start talking about making films for no money. Some of our colleagues have died because of the attitude that corners can be cut, proper expertise does not need to be hired or permits and permissions are not always required. People have DIED in our profession because of that. So if some impressionable reader starts extrapolating what you are telling them about how to save money into also how to cut out the NECESSARY expenses, it puts us, our friends and our colleagues into danger.

I don't need to tell you how many times cast and crew came close to death when police responded to a student filmmaking project where filmmakers were waving fake guns around. It happens EVERY DAY.

THIS is why we get upset. Keep in mind this is not just guns; this applies to pyro, stunts, special effects, etc. I was not born yesterday. I know there are hundreds of Youtube videos on how to make your own squibs or do your own stunts. This type of activity is not acceptable, no matter what size the budget is. No one should die because someone wanted to make a movie.

Deal with that. Address THAT in your book. Then you can have our endorsement.
