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How much of the Star Trek universe have you watched?

Me, I've watched the original show multiple times and I've watched most of motion pictures. I've only watched the 90's series (Next Generation)one episode's worth.

I was a little kid who grew up in the 70's and every Sunday they'd air a rerun of Star Trek and I'd usually watch it. I was a little kid fascinated by outer space and Star Trek was about that. I really wanted space duels and dog fights and cool aliens, ST offered that a little but it was mostly plot and the effects were cheesy. ST wasn't even in the same universe as Star Wars when I saw that.

As I got older and saw the films I thought they were nice. In my 20's I started catching reruns and really getting into the science and the plots that they were experiencing. When I saw the Wrath of Kahn as a kid I thought it was ok but it wasn't until I got older that I felt that it was a great film.

For whatever reason I've just never had the interest or taken the time to watch any of the newer shows that have come out in the 90's or following decades. I've only seen the films up to number VI Undiscovered Country. I did see Star Trek (2009).

I love the original cast but never got into any of the other series.

What is the background with everyone else?

Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?


I have every single episode of every TV version -- TOS, Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, AND the cartoon -- on VHS. And I recorded them all, one at a time.

Mr Smith: Like the rose trampled on the ground, you took the fall


All of DS9, parts of the rest.


I've watched every episode of TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and I've watched every movie except for Beyond. I also like reading non-fiction behind the scenes Star Trek books. I guess you could say I'm a fan.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer


I forgot about books. I bought a .50 book from a yard sale once. It was pretty good, it was called: Star Trek - Probe. It dealt with that same Probe from the movie The Journey Home, that was trying to communicate with the extinct whales.

Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?


I've read a couple of the Star Trek fiction novels, most recently I, Q, but I mainly prefer to stick to non-fiction. The reason for this may seem trivial, but whether something is Star Trek canon or not matters to me.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer


My earliest memory is of watching the original as it aired with my family. I was a Trekkie before Trekkers were invented.

I have watched every episode of every show (including the cartoon) at least 4 or 5 times except the original show. I've seen every TOS episode at least 10 tens (maybe more). There was very little TV worth watching throughout the 70's and I could only rewatch Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman once or twice.

I've seen every movie at least twice (4 or 5 times for 2&4) except the last two nightmares by Jar Jar Abrams. Those I could only watch force myself to watch once (just to maintain my knowledge base). The movies are second to the TV shows anyway.

I've read 20 or 30 books but they don't count.

Went to my first convention in 1977. I won the Star Fleet Battles tournament at GenCon South in 1981. An extremely complex strategy game for ship to ship combat.

Two years ago I binged watched every episode of every live action show. That's 697 episodes in 85 days.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


TOS- EVERY episode numerous times since 1966

TAS- Saw them all when they were first broadcast but haven't seen them since. Thinking about gifting the blu-ray set to myself for Christmas.

TNG- There's possibly an ep I haven't seen. But more likely than not I've seen them all, at LEAST a couple of times each.

DS9, VOY & ENT- There're a handful of each eps from each of those series I've not seen. Looking forward to seeing them, though. I actually like the idea of still having them discover (no pun intended) as well as the new show next year.

Seen all the movies upon first release. Some on the day of release

I've read about fifteen or so of the novels over the years. And I own most of the non-fiction Trek books- LOVE those!

And countless magazines and articles and listen to Trek podcasts a lot these days while driving or doing yard and house work.

All in all its been a pretty cool "Trekful" 50 years!


"I crave an art that passionately transcends the mundane..."
Griffin to Sabine


I've seen every movie and all 5 series every episode multiple times. I wish I could see some of them for the first time again they are so good. I just went through the newest series ENTERPRISE and had forgotten so much since it has been a decade since it came out. It was fresh and great all over again. T'Pol was my fave character in that series. Spock & Scotty make appearances in some of the newer series. Original was great but do yourself a favor and watch the other series. They all get better as they progress if you give them a chance.
My favorite characters in all Star Trek series:

Original – Capt Kirk

TNG – Data

Voyager – 7 of 9

DS9 – Quark

Enterprise – T’Pol

Best episode picks:

Original – Arena, Immunity Syndrome, Deadly Years, Balance of Terror, Journey to Babel, A Piece of the Action, City on the edge of Forever

TNG: All Good Things, Best of Both Worlds, Inner Light, Darmok, Family, Parallels, Remember Me, Q Who, Tapestry, Yesterday’s Enterprise, Relics, Next Phase, Attached.

Voyager: Timeless, Living Witness, Year of Hell, Endgame, Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy, Scorpion, Blink of an eye, Deadlock, Drone

DS9: Duet, In the Pale Moonlight, The Visitor, Far Beyond the Stars, The Way of the Warrior, Once more unto the Breach, House of Quark, Its only a Paper moon.

Enterprise: Twilight, Home, Zero Hour, Azati Prime, The Forge, Carbon Creek, Similitude, E2, Affliction, In a Mirror Darkly

My favorite Captain was Kirk and then Picard

My favorite episode: tie between Timeless (voyager) & the Visitor (DS9)

My favorite series is also a tie between TNG and Voyager

My favorite movie is first contact and a close second #IV the voyage home

My favorite character of all was Data close second 7 of 9 & T’Pol

My favorite opening music was from Enterprise series and 2nd DS9
