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Push to only cast gay actors to play gay characters

There’s a big push now by some to only allow gay actors to play gay characters. Okay. So does that mean only straight actors can play straight characters?

I agree with only casting diverse actors who match the race of a character, but when it comes to sexuality, it shouldn’t matter. Gay actors have been playing straight for decades and should continue to be able to do so. So straight actors should be able to play gay.

Others have griped about actors without actual physical disabilities playing characters with physical disabilities. Some even whined about Colin Farrell wearing makeup to make him severely unattractive as Penguin in The Batman instead of casting a severely unattractive actor.

What next, should only actors who follow a certain religion be allowed to play characters of that certain religion? Should we not allow atheists to play religious characters or religious actors play atheists?

Should they only cast actual scientists to play scientists or plumbers play plumbers? This trend of actor/character segregation is all getting pretty ridiculous. Make the insanity stop.


Right. It is endless stupidity.

Actors sold be allowed to ACT, pretend to be any body. I want to see great ACTING, not proper matching and BAD acting.

What a fucked up dumb shit society this diversity whining is creating.

I'm all for casting black or Chinese etc what ever as long as the ACTING and STORY is great. Not just a diversity platform where everyone has to be what they are pretending to be.


if only straight people can portray straights, you will no longer have movies


Nah. If they said only straights can play straights, gay actors would just go back to lying about being straight. But straights wouldn’t lie about being gay.


You can get a job verifying resumes...



I agree with your point here jk90. Most (if not all) plumbers and scientists would make a terrible hash of trying to act in a film.
Actors are drawn to taking on the character of different people. The best actor for a role gets the job. No roles should be ringfenced. I believe Rock Hudson preferred men? But he played straight in all his roles.
I used to be friends with an actor once. He made one feature film which never got picked up by a distributor. He was incredibly talented but was usually unemployed. He would have given his best shot at playing a lampost if somebody would have paid him to do it.


That's a gay thing to do
