MovieChat Forums > Film General > What Will Naeemak Do After IMDB Ends?

What Will Naeemak Do After IMDB Ends?

A. Kill himself

B. Sit around in his mom's basement doing the only other hobby he has, jacking off to porn

C. Go and get *beep* up the ass by a big dick since he's clearly pretty obsessed with dick from the content of his porn avatars

D. Become a well adjusted, productive member of Western Civilization

What will he do? Definitely not D but any of the others are plausible.

What should he do? Please make it A.


Col Needham will be chilling out in his bathtub of money.


I jerk off to porn all the time, and even post about it here on occasion. I don't see what the big deal is. Why is it so ha-ha funny to you?


Ha Ha, that's funny.

Jake Gyllenhaal is the best Gyllenhaal.


Go outside.

Where the sun's rays will dissolve him to ash immediately.

 That's right! You're about to be killed by a zamboni! ⛄


Follow his destiny and fade into obscurity.

Being like everybody is the same as being nobody.


He will grow up. Well he will mature and start on his career

- - - -
Whadda ya hear! Whadda ya say!


Well, of those, probably B, but like all of the other really obsessive trolls with hundreds or thousands of accounts I suspect he'll go troll elsewhere, attempting to do the exact same thing on any website that allows it and then trying other methods if he gets shut down. People who have "devoted" years to this stuff aren't going to let a little thing like IMDb disappearing stop them.

Here's to the fools who dream


With the end of the boards, the Internet will become useless to him and he will be obligated to leave his mom's basement at some point. He will, however, have a truly hard time trying to survive the real world (or, how the ancient explorers wold call, the New World), where actions have actual consequences. After some time being opressed by the invisble hand of reality, the emotional distress will lead him to madness and he will finally be interned in an asylum, where he will be found continuously yelling disconnect sentences in his room such as "I am the biggest troll of IMDb" (followed by a sinister laugh), while he jerks off to the prof pic of benman on the wall.

After 3 years there, he will finally be discharged and will return to society as a new man, becoming a successful executive at the digital security buisness, marrying a supermodel and having with her three healthy children.

This is all speculation, ofc.
