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Antisemitism at the Oscars

I might not watch the Oscars anymore while the war in Israel continues. I can't believe how antisemitic Hollywood is. If Jonathan Glazer is choosing to spread antisemitic rants in his speech, that's his poor choice. But the audience made a poor choice as well for applauding. How could they do this when there's so many Jewish people in the entertainment industry? The Jews in the audiences should have either booed him or did something to show their disgust. Instead, they did nothing in order to save their careers. Apparently, what's "right" is making Jews out to be the enemy here instead of looking hard at the evidence of who started this whole war in the first place. Terrorism by the Palestinians started this and hardly anyone has the courage to bring awareness to the hostages they still have. I'm just truly disappointed with how the world is right now and Hollywood. They have the power to take action, but they'd rather take silence or choose the wrong side all to keep a career. Pathetic.


Jews in Hollywood only pretend to be loyal to what makes them look good. The only things they are loyal to in reality are (sometimes) each other, money, and power. They have a lot in common with the corrupt kings of Israel and the Pharisees of Jesus's day. They gave up worship of Yaweh a long time ago and would even throw their own people under the bus if it would benefit them in some way. They'll even change their ethnicity if it suits their narrative. Like if they want the majority of Americans to like them, they claim to be "white," but if it's not cool to be "white" anymore, they'll immediately claim they are "Jewish" for their ethnicity instead. Thank goodness not all Jews in America are like the deceitful, nasty ones in Hollyweird.


Yeah at least I give celebrities like Mayim Bialik credit for staying true to themselves. So many celebrities are afraid to say they're Jewish. Or if they do, they claim they're just born Jewish but don't identify as such. It's really sad.


Your sarcasm made me chuckle.


I have no idea except that the actors in the audience must secretly hate Jews, and now they outted themselves.

Hollywood is mostly out of touch with the real world anyway. Even when some of them do humanitarian work it seems that they are still safely inside their little bubble of reality.
