MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Guy Who Used to Tend Bar, Tends Bar

Guy Who Used to Tend Bar, Tends Bar

Semi-recent film, likely made after 2000, definitely after 1990. Some people are at a bar, but there's no bartender. One of the group hops over the bar, rolls up his sleeves, puts on an apron and starts making drinks. His friends are all amazed. How does he know how to do this? He's a young professional of some sort-- lawyer, broker, whatever-- and should not know how to make a gin & tonic. He tells them he used to tend bar when he was younger.

What movie is this?


What nationality/ethnicity are this group? Any semblance of a storyline behind this group?


The guy who worked the bar was young and white. I don't recall anything else. It's the only scene I remember from the movie.


Still looking for it. Anyone?


Carry on Cruising (1962) ?

IMDB source:

Captain Wellington Crowther : [walking into bar] Who are you?

Sam Turner : Me, sir? Turner, sir.

Captain Wellington Crowther : Turner?

Sam Turner : Turner, sir.

Captain Wellington Crowther : What are you doin' 'ere?

Sam Turner : Head barman, sir.

Captain Wellington Crowther : You can't be head barman. Angus is my head barman.

Sam Turner : [smiling] Not anymore, sir.

Captain Wellington Crowther : Not any more? They can't do this to me! Changing a barman? It's like ripping out the engine!


No, but thanks!


OK. Do you remember any scenes? What is genre your movie?


I remember nothing other than there being a scene in a bar where for some reason-- maybe the bartender quit, or maybe the bar wasn't open yet-- a group of executive-types (lawyers, finance guys, salesmen, or something similar) wanted a drink, and one of them, a young man, went behind the bar and started making drinks. People were shocked-- how could an executive in a suit, who possibly went to an Ivy League school, know how to make all these drinks?? At that point he confesses that he used to work as a bartender, much to the shock of all present. I don't recall if he quit his high-paying job to remain a bartender, or if it was just an evening's lark.

I don't think the movie isn't much more than 20 years old, if that. If memory serves, the oldest it must have been made later than 2000, 1995 at the earliest. I could be wrong, but it's definitely not from the '60s or '70s.


I am still hoping someone knows what film this is.


I remember Colin Farrell's character from "The Recruit" being a hot shot tech genius student from MIT who moonlights as a bartender because he comes from modest origins. When he's recruited by CIA spook Al Pacino, he starts training as a professional spy, and does group scenario psy-ops assignments in public with other recruits.

I don't know of your scene takes place in this movie, but it did trigger a memory of Colin revealing his bartendiing skills in front of his colleagues while either on assignment or perhaps they were on R&R.


Appreciate the suggestion, but no, I've never seen The Recruit.


Just who was that bartender?


Uncharted (2022) ?

The guy uses his previously acquired bartender skills to man unmanned bar whilst in the middle of Indiana Jones style barfight + treasure hunt.


No, but thank you!
