I remember a movie or tv show where someone finds out that their parent hid a college acceptance letter so they wouldn't go away to college. I think it involved a father and daughter but I'm not certain. That's all I remember. I believe it's an American production and probably released in the last 20 years. Ring any bells?
A Cinderella Story (2004)...? I doubt this is the one because it's a Hilary Duff movie, but I'll suggest it anyway, based on the plot description: [The stepmother] Fiona (Jennifer Coolidge) opens Sam's (Hilary Duff) acceptance letter from Princeton, and replaces it with a falsified rejection letter made in order to keep Sam working in the diner and as her slave. Fiona presents Sam with this, feigning sympathy, and offers Sam a lifetime job in the diner...
...Sam's stepsisters retrieve her real acceptance letter to Princeton from a dumpster, where Fiona "filed" it.
Full plot summary here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Cinderella_Story#Plot
While Arthur is in hospital, Carrie starts doubting that she still loves him. After looking in his room and finding a letter sent by her university accepting her onto a course, It's revealed that he hid this for his own selfish reasons.