MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > (SOLVED) movie about sick children

(SOLVED) movie about sick children

Help me find the title please!
It was about sick children (teenagers) in a hospital or home-care, and they decided to push one of them in a wheelchair out the window to see if he could fly (?)
I think the title even had the word 'butterfly' in it, but I can't seem to find anything..
It's probably from early 2000's (maybe late '90-s)


Was it the blue butterfly?


No, there were more kids (living in some kind of institute).


My only suggestion would be to look up British cinema as they have way more movies about underprivileged and sick children than US cinema tend to shell out.

The only American movie from that era that I can think of that features sick children in an institute would be "Cider House Rules" and "Girl Interrupted".


The Orphanage ?

A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage for handicapped children. Before long, her son starts to communicate with an invisible new friend.


No, it's definitely older than that.


Could be Fragile (2005), with Calista Flockhart, but I am guessing at this point.


No, it wasn't a horror movie - more like a bittersweet drama. But I think I'll delete the post - I'm pretty sure I remember something incorrectly.


I have seen that movie, but cant 100% place the name.

I swear it was something like Bees Don't Fly or Butterflies can't be free

But its probably been about 15-20 years since i have seen it.

Pretty sure it was a group of kids who are locked up in an asylum and i think they try to get the new kid to fly out a window in his wheelchair to be free.

Hope that helps a bit


Finally! Someone else remembers. I started to think I just made it up... Thanks for the titles, I'll try searching with those keywords.


Haven't seen it but maybe a Finnish film called The Home of Dark Butterflies?

It's about children and a care home and is from 2008.


No, it has to be older than 2008, also the characters were a bit younger I think.


It might be The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (1999) with Elijah Wood and Rachael Leigh Cook. It's not available for me to stream, so I can't verify.


Yes, that's it! Thank you!
I can't believe I haven't realized Elijah Wood was in it...


You're welcome. I seem to remember it was off of a roof rather than out a window. But my memory is deteriorating with age.


Yes, a window that opens to the roof. I've found the scene now.
