MovieChat Forums > DebVolleyball

DebVolleyball (34)


Episode 6 Why do they only make 10 episodes per season? I don't like the flashbacks to Dexter's mother, takes too much time away from the 1993 timeline! The Idol is the most creative and DEEP show you'll ever see. Did the Biden administration pay people to bash it? Imagine how brilliant the "Trinity Killer" prequel will be! Why doesn't Dexter respect the rule of "don't get caught"? Dexter is only 20, so will Original Sin have about 10 seasons? View all posts >


But if they know its going to be ONE season then they list it as "TV Mini Series"... and as you can see its listed as "TV Series"- I think the writers realize that a truly intelligent serial killer won't ever be caught, so Dexter will never be killed and never be convicted. Plus the writers know they aren't smart enough to write an "ending" that fans will approve of. Killers like Ted Bundy only got caught because he was sloppy, and even he escaped twice, and got caught again because he couldn't even drive straight (police pulled him over because he wasn't driving straight)... So I think Resurrection will be about 4 or 5 seasons, and it will end with Dexter being free and happy (similar to Rambo Last Blood). And when Michael C. Hall is 70-years-old they can bring Dexter back again, because its interesting to watch a serial killer when they are older. I just saw Episode 6, and looks like Deb's friend is REALLY desperate... She put Dexter's hand onto her breast in public AND blew him in the bathroom without him showing any interest in her during the entire double date! I've fully edited out Harry's annoying flashbacks from episodes 1, 2, 3 and will finish 4, 5 ,6 today, and will edit 7, 8, 9, 10 after I've seen them! This of course is so when I watch this season again in future years I'll have a tighter version :) ep 1 19.09-21.12 ep 2 5.35-6.05 14.14-15.50 24.30-26.45 32.34-33.20 41.48-42.55 ep3 22.00-23.27 32.28-33.24 40.42-44.50 49.21-50.38 ep4 11.42-14.23 36.18-38.27 44.00-46.30 ep5 10.45-12.20 35.05-38.21 ep6 10.10-12.45 21.15-24.00 32.34-35.44 Yesterday on IMDb i noticed Dexter Original Sin dropped to 8.2 , but today its back up to 8.3 !! Excellent sign that its rating will stay above 8 forever !! Rarely see a rating go down and then back up like that !! Young Sheldon got 7 seasons (141 episodes), and it made sense because Sheldon was at least 10 years younger in the prequel. Dexter is 10 years younger in this prequel too, so they can do 7 seasons or 10 seasons etc. Yep I think that's what will happen, it is a dream come true. And the dream will extend far into the future, because I watched the 2006-2013 series FOUR times, so I'll be watching Original Sin several times in the coming decades too. And Resurrection I expect will be even more thrilling than the 2006-2013 series, because of where the story begins... Its the perfect combination, Original Sin is non-stop fun, while Resurrection is non-stop thrills! It is so enjoyable, that I don't want it to end, so I've only seen 5 episodes and will spread the remaining 5 episodes between now and June (Resurrection begins in June). Because Dexter is only 20 in Original Sin, I think there will be at least 5 seasons, maybe 10 seasons if it remains a hit (Dexter was 30+ in the 2006 series). And Resurrection will run parallel and also have several seasons. Neither show is listed as a "TV Mini Series" on IMDb, both are "TV Series". And we will know when Original Sin is getting close to the end - or a potential end - because Doakes will arrive. But even with Doakes, the show may continue several more years, because I don't think its clear how long Dexter knew Doakes for... Yes it does, plus they have a lot of years to play with (since Dexter is only 20), so even though its a prequel it literally could go 10 years if they want it to (or if its popular enough). Probably won't, because most shows don't go 10 years (and Dexter only went 8 years, prior to New Blood), but Original Sin has a similar sense of excitement to the 2006-2013 series because its here to stay and its in Miami which is a fun place with fun characters. Whereas New Blood felt like there was limit, like they only brought Dexter back to kill him off or some other unnecessary closure. Fortunately they got massive backlash for that finale (the New Blood Finale made the 2013 finale look quite excellent), and we have Resurrection which I hope goes for several seasons. The snow and the depressing atmosphere of New Blood may continue into Resurrection, but at least there will be a lot of suspense and excitement over how Dexter can get himself out of this mission impossible predicament. I agree 12 or 13 episodes per season would be ideal. Ideally I would re-watch New Blood since it leads into Resurrection. But, New Blood was kind of depressing, whereas the 2006-2013 Dexter series was exciting and even uplifting in a way. And Original Sin is also exciting and uplifting and has the great 90s music. In about 5 years from now when Original Sin has completed a 5-year run, it will be fun to rewatch 50 episodes! That's what happened with the 2006-2013 series of Dexter, I only started watching it in about 2010, so I had plenty of episodes to watch consecutively... I'm editing out all the flashbacks so when I watch this series again in future it will run smoother. While Original Sin is great fun, I think Resurrection is going to be the most suspenseful and thrilling series EVER. I mean the story is set-up so perfectly for Resurrection, and IMDb has it listed as a TV Series, not a "TV Mini Series" so Dexter is going to escape, and it will be fascinating to watch how! View all replies >