DemBonesThemBone's Replies

No cause I read it in a book and show not the internet LEHUH?????? SHES CHEATING ON HIM Most people cant afford 900 bucks for an 3 hour activity a 3 hour activity LETS DRIVE IN LE CAR VROOM! HES GOT MONEY! Well I play baseball, or a FEDEROA IT WAS NEVEFR THERE IS SHE SINGLE When he was Chandy the chan chan man Ive never seen people be so crueeeel to each other in bad ways She peed in the field and was shown doing so Yeah Dave Matthews in the pants \in the bathroom area Yet youre the only one who is to be getting on in very confused about it. So everyone else is the crazy parts not you Wow youre really really unclear on this concet He is doing that. I agree and thank you for realizing it Im the one bringing sweet tea SHUT IT! 6 dollar Yeah he just dropped trowser in the bar and floppied it abbout