MovieChat Forums > SimonPhoenix1982
SimonPhoenix1982 (11)
Favorite movies of the year 1981 anyone?
Weak men make hard times and hard times create strong men
Who else saw some Jorodowsky references and inspirations?
My favorite live action TV shows of the last century from 50s to 90s
Favorite movies of the year 1980 anyone?
Hugo Strange and Mad Hatter
Ventriloquist and Hush for sequel
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How about Mr Freeze and Mad Hatter? i mean Jervis Tetch and Victor Fries from different rival companies as i can see Mad Hatter making Victor want revenge on Ferriis Boyle and each of them want to make Gotham their own wonderland
Black Mask and Ventriloquist be good or Hugo Strange and Black Mask together
Good ideas
I thought the first Friday was decent but i like some of the Jason starring sequels better as i like Jason himself better than his mother.
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