KingBob's Replies

There’s a lot that doesn’t make sense to you. So your source is someone else claiming that Trump claimed that Ukraine started the war. Is that seriously the best you can do? At the very best that is hearsay. Oh so now he’s just implying that Ukraine started the war? You said that Trump SAID Ukraine started the war. Get your stories straight, dingleberry. It very much is relevant to bring up Obama, HE WAS IN CHARGE when you claim that the US started the war. So if you want to blame anyone it should be that POS Obama. You’re a white nationalist? You’re pro-segregation? WTF is wrong with you? LOL so I see you’re too afraid to post the exact quote and it’s context. So pathetic. Also you claim that the war started because of the US in 2014, guess who was president? Yeah the anointed one Barack Obama. Oh I see so it’s the US’s fault??? See you’re just as big of a bullshitter as you claim Trump is. I’d also like to see this quote and the proper context that you claim he made. Tread lightly also because your credibility is slowing weathering away. lol so you weren’t paying attention? Then that means you don’t know what youre talking about (why am I not surprised?) And what chaos has Trump caused? The left melting down and behaving like terrorists is not on Trump But how do you know they aren’t true? Also can you provide examples? And the other one went to Junior High where I’m sure he became competent in machine gun rescue plans as well. How do you know he’s full of shit? It’s not a horror movie, not even close. It’s an action/sci-fi/thriller. I bet you’re one of those idiots who thinks Jaws is a horror movie also. As for The Terminator being Michael Myers does that mean that Blade Runner is a horror movie also because Deckard is kind of like Michael Myers also? I didn’t say you couldn’t be both, I said that Trump was a patriot but not a bullshitter. Neither, a patriot. As for liars and bullshitters I think you’re confused with Brandon and Kamala. The left is going into meltdown because their treason is being exposed. That’s why Maxine Waters attempted to overthrow the government by storming the Department of Education. Trump needs to seriously start doing some serious prosecution. Out of the ones I’ve seen: 01) Goodfellas 02) The Departed 03) The Wolf Of Wall Street 04) Taxi Driver 05) The Irishman 06) Raging Bull 07) Cape Fear 08) Casino 09) Mean Streets LOL, tone down the fear mongering and stay in your lane. After what you people put us through the past 4 years with those two fuckers, Brandon and Kamala you have no room to complain about anything. So glad we weren’t stupid enough to elect her president. I love how you didn’t provide any evidence, just your typical liberal fear mongering. What’s even more pathetic is you people seem to be implying that the imaginary disaster that Trump has allegedly caused would not have happened under the Cackling Slut. Cope harder, loser. I don’t either, I thought it was boring. What constitutional amendment did they violate? Cite the specific language. Typical libtard logic. You’re more upset over Trump uncovering liberal corruption than you are about liberal corruption. Trump is doing a great job saving us from the damage that those two fuckers Brandon and Kamala got us into. You should be thanking him and supporting him, instead you’re acting like a little crybaby terrorist. Trump cares about you, and he’s going to make America Great. You need to stay in your lane, STFU and support President Trump. Go back to your cry room and quit embarrassing yourself you pathetic loser.