MovieChat Forums > SemiAnimus > Replies
SemiAnimus's Replies
Brixton couldn't possibly smell any worse than it already does so you should be okay over there.
Awesome! Bioware made some of my favorites, from Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect to Dragon Age.
I know about the reputation of that Dragon Age game but never played it. It seems to be universally disliked though, and I doubt I'll go back to it after hearing complaints like yours as well as the map being a randomly generated slog.
As far as old games, some that I replay through every few years are:
Fallout 1 and 2
Baldurs Gate (the 2nd is great but its a massive commitment)
Black and White
Resident Evil 1-4
Company of Heroes
Grand Theft Auto Vice City and San Andreas
Vampire Bloodlines
Mirror's Edge
Final Fantasy Tactics
And many others. But again that's cool to you learn you're a gamer. I reference them every so often and not many others here seem to be into them.
He seems like a cool guy.
I didn't know Kyle was involved with that. Things are so interconnected at that level.
And damn, once again I cant believe how ugly that bitch is. It makes me uncomfortable seeing her, like talking to someone who is cross-eyed up close and trying to aim your glance between their eyes.
Maybe this will help you understand:
Holy shit AmeriGirl, you play video games? What are some that you had in mind there?
I understand the point you're making, but again getting some or most, if not all, is nonetheless worth the endeavor.
It's a little unfair of you to not read my post as I'm responding to yours, foremost.
Your Japanese analogy is too dissimilar to be of use. A closer analogy to the situation in Palestine would be to take half of the population from North and South Korea, who hate and are hated by the Japanese generally, give them territory in Japan and all of the political and military power, and then condemn the Japanese for suicide bombing Koreans in Japan and abroad.
There could be something to said about your 3rd worlder argument. Your perspective on that is a bit anachronistic though because, ironically, what you're referring to has more to do with those cultures having developed "proper societies" well before condemning the practices you mentioned became fashionable. What they actually lack is an Enlightenment followed by a Postmodern revaluation of thought, or that's what distinguishes them rather.
Salmon don't survive the journey upstream and dams halt their progress. There could be lessons to be learned from both of precepts.
I don't doubt the lack of a 100% success rate of ending illegal entry, but not doing anything would surely result in zero. The reality will be somewhere in between, but the objective should always be to deport them all.
This is probably the most simple and accurate description on the subject that I've encountered on this website. Of course there's only so much to say with that many words, but well done.
Are you implying that the illegals are actually all GOP members and RFK followers?
Damn, I didn't see that plot twist coming.
CM often includes a KKdisKlaimer when posting these videos but regardless, it is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls.
And yes, having Melton around is great as well.
Nothing against you Keelai, but I'm at least 30 more times likely to throw banana peels on the ground now after reading this.
Caramel delights and thin mints. Between those, I've never considered getting anything else.
His first statement is fatalistic and says nothing about the ability to deport these so called "inevitables." They can and should be deported, regardless if such a process is not as automatic as water flowing downstream.
The second is essentially true in that the ideology behind those involved in the scenarios like this OP is nearly always linked to the exploitation that he alluded to. Here, what became ISIS was founded, and funded, by US assets attempting to prevent a Marxist revolution in Afghanistan.
Do you know what the ISIS flag says? It's "There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God." It's the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. Are you similarly familiar with the flag of the Crusader States? It's five crosses representing the spread of Christianity. Or something more modern, the flag used by the IRA was a swords to ploughshares reference:
Isaiah 2:3-4: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4 He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
Only it was ironically combined with socialist concepts to where the ploughshare commoners were the swords of the movement, but I digress. The point is that such outcomes are more dependent on the people involved than the religions.
Morgan Freeman really fucked up the hype for black history month, didn't he? It's never been the same.
And I've seen her many times, but holy shit Lexus Luther is so ugly it's unbelievable.
Byzantium = Constantinople = Istanbul
That at least justifies an interest.
That's right. I tend to forget those details.
And as far as North America, maybe we can meet Keelai in the middle and allow the Indians to recolonize it just long enough for them to cover the continent before Europeans invade and reconquer it all.
Keelai if you're reading this, do we have a deal?
Wouldn't everyone eventually end up in Africa if we play by those rules? Or is it Asia now; I can't keep up with that sort of thing.
Trump has the power in the sense of instantly impactful decisions but crossing Elon would have serious consequences for him, even more so the longer things continue in their current direction. Until Elon has been smeared, even now anything Trump said against him would undermine his own credibility because of the role Musk has in the Trump administration.
It's a fascinating dynamic for sure.
Trump confirming Musk into his role is legitimate with legal precedent through precedent of executive orders.
Is that the only standard that matters?