voiceofstl's Replies

well? YES bigly Murphy killed hundreds of Nazis Laurance Oliver and tony curtis in Spartkis yes he did, and he said "live with it" yep...fluff Matt is a great American. she wants to date Greg Gutfeld. still nothing. I had a similar experience . I became a teenager in the early 70's . In the midwest suburb I grew up, it was still like Leave it to Beaver. Yes I knew my share of druggies and dregs but I was lucky enough to stay clear of them. third time is the charm will we have a young Batman and a older Batman movies at the same time? is it true after the Hays Commision took over you could not show a toilet until Hitchcox Physco she is a sexual pervert. where was Darksied? I was one of the fools. so...she is a pervert. He is Joes but boy. still nothing he is a fool.