MovieChat Forums > N2Far
N2Far (52)
Anybody here visit the real Gilley's around the time this movie came out?
The franchise should have burned out. With this, it rusted.
What did Buford say?
Has anyone ever explained exactly why the studio didn’t abandon this film?
Actually had a good element of suspense to it.
As long as we continue to bitch about rage bait such as this film, Hollywood will keep doing this.
It’s not a roast if you’re praising the man every 5 seconds.
This movie is a goldmine for a sequel. Why haven’t we seen one?
The overacting makes a lot of scenes funny
Newly revealed on set interview of Robert Shaw (Quint)
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Well I can definitely tell you that in American blue collar culture, you usually have to earn your job title from your peers. In other words, you wouldn’t be considered a “true” mechanic, electrician, plumber, cowboy, etc. until the seasoned veterans of the job think you deserve the title. So there’s that.
Biggest reason? The writers needed him to be that way. But in all seriousness, he was a real cowboy from the country. Unlike the "urban cowboys" of Houston, Bud had actually grown up on a farm and could walk the walk. At the time this film was made, cowboys and other "all American" male types were huge in pop culture. Women were fascinated by them and a lot of men tried to imitate them. It wouldn't have been unusual for the local women at a place like Gilley's to be interested in a "foreigner" like Bud.
It's not out of the realm of possibility. The largest customer base of most nightclubs is men. They come to clubs to get laid. So, if you had an employee who "facilitated" such encounters between the clientele and beautiful women, word would get out fairly quick that your club was the place to be. Ergo, $$$$$$$$. Haha. If you go to countries like Thailand, this type of thing is the bread & butter of their nightclubs. Surely the US isn't much different.
You're beginning to describe the problem with the Horror genre today. It's getting to the point where its almost algorithmic in how they're made. Story lines and good performances take a back seat to shock value. It's all about getting TikTokers to pay for the movie. Fuck whether or not they enjoy it. The studio has their money and that's all that matters.
He was smiling because of who the Nazis were. In the beginning of the film he talks about almost getting castrated by racists, and Reisman tells him that the Nazis are the “real master race merchants.” Jefferson was more than happy to drop the grenades onto them considering what he’d been through.
It is 100% a reference to the gas chambers. Every one of those officers would have been high enough in rank to know what was being done to the Jews & other “impure” people by the Nazis. Keep in mind, the Nazis murdered countless children in this manner as well. It’s probably why Lee Marvin famously stated that he had no qualms shooting the scene after John Wayne had refused to do it.
So glad to see that someone else gets this. I laugh my ass off at parts of this movie and it confuses people. Haha
Yeah, don’t send your kid into acting, singing, or modeling. Those industries are full of perverts.
Lol that would be funny as shit if he just got up out of the pool after being shot in the back point blank with a sawed-off, did another line of Coke, grabbed his gun, and left the mansion.
Thank you for that.
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