MovieChat Forums > sadpopcorn > Posts
sadpopcorn's Posts
When BIG TIME movies go BUST...?
Besides T3...was this his last mega budget blockbuster film?
I'm 1 hour and 12 minutes into it...I figured it out...this is was dramedy is California
Did they really pay Bill Murray $20 million?
Tried to pick out an actress to bump...
Easily Tom Hanks best performance...
Trying to hard to be hip and cool
Trailer voice: Because the Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world...
Kind of like "Parenthood" but with swearing...
This sounds like the most depressing movie ever..
Yeah....I think I get it. Those hip super smart children with the old man
Anyone here rooting for the asteroid?
Teddy, I really enjoy being with you...but I'm an old man now...
What went wrong here???
4 BUMPS AND POST...and STILL nobody has seen this show...???
And thats how you fill a hot dog full of cheese Teddy ...
And thats how you fill a hot dog full of cheese Billy ...
1993-96 were it's peak years.
From Carson and Letterman to this...