MovieChat Forums > GHIGGS > Replies

GHIGGS's Replies

Actually, not only is this possible, but it’s also probable. You are forgetting, Kal-El’s Space Capsule entered Hyperspace soon after it was launched. My physics professor explained it this way... He held up a sheet of paper and drew 2 dots on it on opposite ends. Then asked, “What is the shortest distance between two points?” Answer: A Straight Line. He drew a line connecting the two points. Then he FOLDED the paper until the two points were touching. The straight line was doubled under the 2 points. He asked us, “What is the shortest distance between 2 points? Answer: TWO POINTS! While Kal-EL’s capsule entered and exited the 2 points, the time on Krypton is still moving at their same rate. The faster you go towards the speed of light, time begins to slow down. This is why the original Planet of the Apes, and Close Encounters were so correct. Taylor and the other 2 astronauts were in space during their own rate of time, but when they returned to Earth, thousands of years had passed until Human Civilization fell, and the Apes evolved to become the higher species on Earth. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The People who were returned to Earth looked just as they had since their departure, despite long periods of time having passed on Earth. “They haven’t even aged. Einstein was right!” Kal-EL was still a baby still in his own particular rate in spacetime. Yet, Krypton still had its own trajectory/rate of time (to pass along the folded straight line) which they had to travel. So, When Kal-EL was still a baby when he arrived on Earth, he still aged at his own rate in time. Krypton's spacetime was still travelling slowly along its folded timeline to reach the time Kal-El turned 18. I tried to calculate it and came up with about 38,000 years. I’m sure I’m off but not by much. Depending on the rate of Krypton’s spacetime from its destruction; it could easily take thousands of years relative to Kal-EL’s arrival, and growth. The faster we travel towards the Speed of Light, time begins to slow down. When you come OUT of Hyperspace, you will still be the same age as when you entered Hyperspace. However, the time you left before you ENTERED Hyperspace, STILL crawls along at its same rate of time when you left; and long periods of time will have passed. Hence, Jor-EL saying “… By that reckoning, I will have been dead for many thousands of your years!”