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GeorgeCorley's Replies
I've watched The Emerald more than usual. I just really like that one a lot. The scene in the last act after Petrosian has Willy send the message to Williams and he drinks the drugged cup of coffee. When Willy removes the wall. His complete shock when he sees Phelps, Cinnamon, and Rollin standing there. Silently, scrutinizing him. His vision blurred as the sedative takes effect and he finally passes out. In my opinion it is one of the most iconic scenes in the entire series. And it all takes place on a cruise ship. And then there's the hilarious way Cinnamon blows off arms dealer Tomar. After losing the big poker game, he suggests they have a drink in his cabin. "I don't think so. I don't really need any more losers." Ouch! That's worse than a cold shower.
posted 2 years ago in Mission: Impossible (1966)