MovieChat Forums > Nepoznat > Replies
Nepoznat's Replies
It seems the arrows did have some kind of maneuvering mechanism after they have been fired.
We can see that in the scene where Predator fight Taabe (the brother). Predator drops his helmet, which pointed the three laser guide beams to the tree. Taabe circled around Predator. Predator shot all three arrows at him, and all the three arrows flew in the Taabe's general direction, but steered towards the tree, and each arrow bullseyed straight to the laser marks on the tree.
That moment is the only one where he shot those arrows, besides the last fight.
From what I saw, he does not have his shoulder cannon.
Instead, he uses metal "arrows" that track the target. Tracking is done via his mask.
The second question was something I was laughing about.
The girl somehow calculated where he will stand and at what height, and she placed the helmet to point its lasers to that exact spot.
Yeah, agreed.
I also thought the brother was ok. He cared for and supported her, until she almost got killed by the cat. Then he told her she needs to stop and rethink what is she doing.
Would really want to see the same movie where both him and her, and a couple of fellow hunters together take the Predator together.
If you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you do, and see the answer to your question.
I would feel bad telling anything if you want to watch it at some point.
I hope you will like it more than I did.
Well, I do love Predator movies, and was really invested in watching the latest one.
Although, I had to google their names just to make sure :)