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Tongue's Replies

Yep. I’m quite shocked they are still making sequels as they keep recycling certain things and my mind is just numb to it . The ending to Scream 6 was so damn bad When did you first see Scream? I do wonder how well it stands up to modern audiences .. ? Scream 5 & 6 have done very well so I assume the first one still packs quite a punch for many Yeah even though I can enjoy Scream 3, I definitely understand why folks don’t like it. It just didn’t have the magic touch that the first 2 had. I still give it credit though as it’s still far from terrible I saw it opening weekend and the audience went nuts during the scares and laughed their ass off at the jokes.. it was such a great experience as audiences weren’t used to being scared while laughing .. oh and add in a neat whodunit aspect and you have a top caliber movie Agree. Scream 1 is still a great whodunit slasher with the perfect amount of humor thrown in . Good characters too and it never gets stale or boring . The only gripe I have about this movie is when ghostface is seen in the convenience store during the day stalking Sidney and her friend.. I mean come on lol I did not and I have never talked to anyone that said they predicted that.. overall though, Billy’s death being fake is a plot hole and doesn’t make sense . There’s no good reason Billy and Stu would orchestrate it to where they fake Billy’s death - it serves no purpose I still love this movie though and remember seeing it in The theater on opening day and the crowd was going nuts Yep a huge problem was that the movie just wasn’t fresh at all - I’ve seen beetlejuice do all this before and I knew this film would have this problem .. This sequel just had none of the charm of the original Yeah I hear you. I just finished this about an hour ago and I’m Left with a very meh feeling. Not a bad movie but it had very little if any of the charm of the original .. quite a few jokes were straight up bad and I just didn’t enjoy it like I did the original I think the biggest mistake here was waiting this long to do a sequel - it’s so damn hard to make a film like this work in modern day It definitely made a lot of money I just finished watching it - it wasn’t terrible by any means but wasn’t great or good either. It was decent in spots but quite a few jokes were just bad and didn’t land at all. The storyline was just ok .. I’m honestly not sure how much of my viewing or current thoughts are shakes by my age .. watching a film like beetlejuice as a 10 year old is world different than watching it as a 39 year old. They should have made this sequel 25 years ago Glass was solid but Old didn’t land at all for me ..Knock on the cabin was very meh too I wonder what M Night has planned next? I want him to hit it out if the park again Yeah I had enthusiasm For this movie but watched it last night and feel ripped off.. hard to believe this was the final product as it’s a mess .. where was the tension? And the ending with the satanic cult?!? WTF Ehh I liked Kevin Bacon in this - a twisted guy. He was like the only bright spot I remember getting to the part with the satanic cult and shootout and felt like I was tripping on acid.. what was West thinking with that ending?! This entire movie just never really got going - it had the setting and the characters but just no story worth telling I yeah I agree on everything .. I loved the trailer for Maxxxine and thought X was good enough.. add in the Night Stalker, a twisted Kevin Bacon and 80s grime and how could you go wrong? Well Ti West found a way .. what even was this movie? It’s not horror or a thriller as there surprisingly was no tension .. I don’t even care for the main character lol.. then you have Bacons character and the serial killer and the ending was so bad that I felt like I was being punked .. Something went wrong in the filming as there’s no way this was what was planned M Night needs to hire a better casting director - too many of the actors in his movies as have weak acting and it takes me out of the movie at times Yeah I honestly felt like I was being punked or trolled by This movie at times. Didn’t help that the dialogue and acting was pretty shaky at times The second half of the movie pretty much completely lost me though. It just felt so off to me Still a fan of M Night though So is M Night mostly a dud these days? I have not been following his movies success in theaters .. I do obviously realize he isn’t delivering the gold he once was though .i do anticipate his movies though as he gives us something unique Interesting as I feel the opposite way - I was drawn in and interested in the first half but the second half just lost me.. it was too far out and unbelievable for me to enjoy it I like M night and Hartnett so I wanted to like this more than I did . It was worth watching though Yeah I hear you. I watched it last night and I like m night and Josh Hartnett - this movie has a very interesting premise but I found after 30-45 minutes I started to feel awkward as much of the dialogue and plot sequences just felt off to me.. I couldn’t tell if it was weak acting or bad writing but probably a mix of both..? I do like M Nights style though as he liked to keep us on guard but I felt the longer Trap went in the more I was like wtf - there were times I was rolling my eyes at what happened .. but yeah I was never bored so that’s a plus .. Ultimately was Trap a good film? Not really .. unfortunately M Night has been mostly a disappointment in the past 6-7 years. That said I always feel a pinch of anticipation for his movies as they are different Yeah I liked Fury Road and love the world of Mad Max but Furiosa simply didn’t grab me and keep me hooked. It’s far from a bad movie but it just lacks something Yesh I really don’t think this world makes too much sense in terms of realism and operating ability lol