Narwhale37's Replies

What power? The movie had nothing to say and isn't remotely relevant to today. It's just some hack saying "War bad everyone" What a limp wrist answer. There's a difference between someone who makes mistakes and some cocky jerk who ruins an entire genre because of his arrogance. They're trying to hide this. Don't let them. Turns out you don't need to be smart when you have an army of Kookaid drinkers and everyone's too cucked out to do anything about you. "Politically Neutral" in 2024 is flat-out evil. I have room for forgiveness towards the MAGA Kookaid drinkers and the far-left dumb college kids, but pretending like anything about moderate politics is wildly bizarre. You're not neutral. You just don't care. It still blows my mind that people heard "I have concepts of a plan" for healthcare and didn't see any problem with the statement. I didn't think Kookaid intake could be so strong. By denying them coverage for heal insurance that they paid for? This isn't news. It's just another day. You voted for a convicted fraudster who regularly brags about sexual assault. Get off your high horse. They're ALL false flags...? Lol The 1st guy's classmates called him a conservative. Go cope somewhere else. "Was the 2nd guy at Marlago a registered Republican too?" Yes. Hence my question. He literally was a republican. Does anyone else find it weird that all of these so called "assination attempts" are done by Republicans/Vivek supporters/Trump voters? Are we memoryholing every time Trump was rude to someone? He has a documentary too now. Wait till you find out that he threw a coup. Lord of the Rings is far worse than marvel. I would rather watch paint dry than to watch(sleep through) the trilogy one more time. I'm glad he died hopeful. I would've been blackpilled hard about humanity. Because it fits the message of the movie of love transcending time and space. "He's good so that means he shouldn't be held accountable"