MovieChat Forums > Carlo > Replies
Carlo's Replies
The corruption scandal was kept under the wraps by both IA and Casey (Garcia) during the campaign. The IA guy called Casey to inform him about the fact that Alegretto's name (Sean's father partner) was in Kleinhoff's book. IA wanted to work on the situation quietly, without damaging Casey's campaign. Only after Casey got elected, the scandal became public.
But Skype didn't exist back in 1996.
"he knows enough to formulate informed opinions"
Do you even know what you're talking about? It looks like you know nothing about religions and the points that I made. I didn't "manipulate" everything. I pointed out all the lies that the screenwriters put in this movies.
"do you nitpick apart every film you watch?"
Nitpick means looking for small faults, while I stressed that the entire movie is the result of an atheist biased view. However, to answer your question: if a movie is shit, I stop watching it, but if you like it, you can eat it. Help yourself.
"So you stopped watching a movie because you disagree with what a character is saying? Or you think the filmmakers are feeding you their own bias through the character, rather."
The latter.
1) It's not the first time that the antagonist is used to convey the ideas of the screenwriters. This happens when the antagonist is considered a more intriguing and smarter character
than the protagonists;
2) Filmakers are atheists. You can find more information about them online;
3) The first half, to me, is enough to reject the bias of the screenwriters.
"The woke is strong with you".
A lot of projecting uh?
"White supremacist"? Wrong shot, pal. Just because I'm against interracial marriage it doesn't mean I'm a "supremacist". It doesn't matter if Reeves talked or not about his heritage. The point is that Hollywood wants to push some interracial archetypes, and Reeves fitted that role, in my opinion. I don't dislike the guy, but he's clearly a mediocre actor with a quite limited range. It's plenty of talents who can't work in Hollywood because they are not woke, blacks, interracially mixed, Jews, etc.
I supposed that my answer was implying no...
I feel tired of watching Jewish propaganda movies. This is what I feel. And, for the record, I don't like at all the Nazi guys in the movie nor I like Nazism.
Lol. You're really pathetic. In that post I also condemn Nazism. Nazism is an esoteric pagan cult. Anyway, are you going to call the principal or what?
"Oh sir, I'm a satanic pussy and I can't stand someone who can debate me."
Are you a fucking idiot? Serious question too.
Shit, 10 minutes of this movie and I already knew where it was going..Jews are the "victims" of blood libel, which is absolutely true anyway. We're fucking sick of Jewish Hollywood.
He's a freak. He's probably into incest fantasies.
Why do you say her career is over?
"Here's your bullshit, idiot.
Judaism of course DID evolve out of polytheism - Yahweh was the Jews tribal god, there were many others around, which of course the Hebrews, rubbing hard against the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Canaanites, were hardly unaware of, nor their creation myths which were imported more or less whole from Sumerian/Babylonian roots."
Judaism was NEVER a polytheist religion. There was no evolution whatsoever, moron. It was always monotheistic.
You're just making things up.
You're the typical guy who spreads the Zeitgeist bs and doesn't know anything at all about the history of Judaism and Christianity.
I'm not American, moron.
Keep crying and lying, asshole.
Oh, you're Israeli? Then fuck your satanic race, your satanic state and your people of murderers and pedophiles. Over and out.
The Talmud has nothing to do with the Torah. It's an entirely new set of books, which contains insults against Christ and promotes pedophilia. I guess you didn't read none of them. It is reality. Labels will not get you far.