MovieChat Forums > Annkat > Replies

Annkat's Replies

Yes, it could be they haven’t given us that answer. Maybe never which is a problem. What they showed was that they pay the severed people a bit more. Also they get company housing. Do they pay rent? Aside from Kobell living next to Mark, it looks as if this housing is mostly vacant. In Dylan’s and Irving’s housing there are no lights on besides their homes. I think they pretty much confirmed that it is Helena not Helly. She is jealous that part of herself made a life for herself with friends, a love interest and goals. So she is down there to discover what made her like Dylan, Irving and love Mark. Could she love also fall in love with Mark? Severence is real just not in the way they portray it…yet. The severed employees are not chosen at random, they are studied. They specifically tailor the procedure to appeal to the employees weaknesses. It could be their goal is similar to what is shown in Westworld. Cloned severed people doing the will of the company. Can’t trust google. They are simply lying. Even 10k would have generated press. They didn’t because they were nowhere near 10k. No, Open your eyes. They are fabricating fake history. The amount of foreign people in the Uk was negligible. So much so that ANY black person involved would have caused much comment. There was none because they did not exist. It will collapse under its own weight. So all you can do is enjoy it now and when it starts to go bad…turn it off. Unlikely since it was implied that Lumon strictly controlled what the employees ate, how much and how often. Its not a bad show but yes its one of the female power social engineering projects. The story would have fit better with a male lead. The company filmed them all the time they were there. They showed that when they used real voice clips in that crazy video promo. So she would know them by studying the tapes which she did. Everything was displayed at that gala. I would say she and her father carefully picked where she worked and her coworkers. She acted odd. She didn’t hug Mark. She didn’t react when they showed their puppet counterparts kissing in the video. Even when Dylan screamed over it. She seemed to be watching everyone closely. The one thing she did react to was finding out Mark was married. A hybrid consciousness is an interesting idea. Also they showed what macrodat was…they are programming/reprogramming their fellow MK Ultra severed employees. It looks like Mark is holding his own Wife’s leash. Why is Mark and his wife so important to Lumon? Candyman was an enraged ghoul who attacked everyone. The people didn’t want Helen around because she was calling him out and stirring up trouble. I don’t think the incident at the end was a first time Candyman took a baby. They used the name Candyman because it referenced macabre stories about Mother Cabrini giving candy to children on holidays. There were rumors that the candy was poisoned. The setting in this movie is Cabrini Green so the villain was called candyman. They should release the completed Stoltz version they have hoarding to themselves. Yes, I don’t know what it is but he has a presence. He could have been a movie star no matter what the decade. Years ago people kept going on about Tom Hanks being like Jimmy Stewart. But I never saw it. In my opinion, it is Cruise who is the most like Stewart. There are a few, I personally don’t like. There are many I changed my mind about because he was in it. And honestly I’m not a big fan of his, but I know if he is in the cast there will a lot of quality in the film. Even if the movie is not that great (Minority Report or War of The Worlds), I know he will be good in it. Hollywood’s time is over. Cruise came at a time that was at the tail end of old Hollywood and the dawn of the digital age. He was able to harness the energies of both. No one since then has the instincts about cultural zeitgeists or fashion. If it isn’t just his own intelligence guiding him, he must be surrounded by extremely prescient people. Also in his favor is that he is an interesting figure on screen. It isn’t good looks either, there have been more attractive actors running around during his current time. He just has an aura about him like the old golden age stars. He got his pilot license. No person with an 80 IQ flies planes/helicopters. Supposedly the plane in Oblivion was designed with Cruise’s input. There is footage of him geeking out with flight knowledge. People are just insanely jealous of him. And its understandable, he is the last big Hollywood movie star. She had the bends for a few minutes then went underwater again. Her air was cut again, she surfaced was shot with an arrow. This show is getting ridiculous. Episode 8 and the story has barely started. Juliet has somehow had 3 major life threatening events back to back. Mystery people in an empty silo. What were they eating for 20 something years. I’m just about done with this show. This failed big time. I think people knew it was patronizing. Lol Earned his wings from what or whom? What was Clarence portrayed as in the beginning of the film? Checkout wormwood. I saw Lucifer fall like lightening. A third of the stars fell Bedford Falls means the same as Pottersville This is funny. George is a simp. But I’m going to say something even worse. Clarence is a synonym of Lucifer. The eschatology of the film is extremely convoluted and decidedly not Christian. It is Gnostic. The clue is that he is “second class”. As in he fell. Hence no wings. But we get a completely sneaky redemption of a demon because he decides to get involved with one luckless man.