MovieChat Forums > Tollyfan > Replies
Tollyfan's Replies
rewatch scream and you will notice that tatum is only major character to be killed by ghostface
i do think either mindy or sam is dying the next one
i say mindy because she is only one of the core four that doesn't have a continuing storyline from sixth movie
and if sam does give into her darkside she will die became ghostface and has to be stopped
quinn stabbed mindy and make him look less guilty
in scream 2 randy complain to dewey how they got nobody to play in stab
you do realize that wes,judy,dewey, gale, and sydney, and liv all white
you are the one making it about race or sexual ordination they movie never did any of that
scream was not woke
Dewey is the heart of the trio his death is more impactful than gale
to be fair only tara and chad got stab more than once
that wasn't the final kill tara killing amber was the final kill
Gale showed emotion when she saw the body bag being rolled out