MovieChat Forums > Vanamali
Vanamali (4)
In Religious Terms, the Blue Pill is Heaven & the Red Pill is Reincarnation or REAL LIFE
No one noticed that the movie promotes Reincarnation?
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That's not nice
Giving in to Death Cults and their feel-good fantasies won't work
Even your own parents are not going to let you just sit about and watch TV all day, but this "God" is happy to be a Nanny Sugar Daddy, run a Charity Retirement Home?
I always ask - What does one DO in Heaven?
And it is comical to see theists struggle to make up work! "We will be working hard", "Don't worry you won't be bored" - er I was not asking about boredom, I was asking as an Adult do we not have to stand on our own two feet? Make a honest living? Or do we just shamelessly sponge off God for eternity?
And that's the problem, right?
What work would the All-mighty have to get done? And why need our help?
Heaven makes no sense
We have billions of people living an idle, lazy, useless and pointless existence for eternity?
Ah, God's Grand Plan!
Which one of us is in an mental ward, again?
Don't let the word Reincarnation or Heaven fool you - these are concepts & ideas
Heaven is the concept or idea that we can run back to the womb, to childhood - Fed, protected, sheltered & cared for - no work, no worries - eternal childhood is ours!
Reincarnation is the idea that THIS IS ALL THERE IS - THERE IS ONLY ONE WORLD! We can't run back to the past, we have to grow up and face the world, stressing is REAL LIFE - the life that we have now. Running away from real life is not the answer
Death Cults prey on the weak, promising an easy lazy life in some sort of happy Retirement Home in the sky
Have you ever heard even the brightest of theists ask - WHAT DO WE DO IN HEAVEN?
Amazing ability of Death Cults to brainwash even the best it seems
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