MovieChat Forums > ESamBenz
ESamBenz (14)
Am I the only one who thinks the Nedry death scene is funny?
A book I recommend to ppl genuinely interested in this movie and not conspiracy theories
In these troubling times I stand with and behind Alec Baldwin
It bombed during its release
The original soy boy
Dude has an obsession
Does anyone else
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Thanks. I do need to read it again. The ending where he drives to the forest to see the aliens did feel to me like it was the director's idea or tacked on by the screenwriters.
Solid choices. I didn't mention my other favourite 80s films but I agree Raging Bull and The Shining are 10 star worthy. I recently gave The Dekalog by Kieślowski a 10/10, as well.
True. It's the ultimate movie about voyeurism I think. Kathryn Bigelow and James Cameron also described it as being an allegory about cinema itself, the process of being involved in a Life or fantasy experience without experiencing the consequences. Lenny is technically a movie director, albeit at a whole other level.
'Stargate' was the only one he did I thought had a decent original idea, and James Spader is kind of entertaining in it...Spader also thought the script was silly and admitted he only did it for the money
Give an example of how his character was "over the top"?
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