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Seeker67's Replies
Hey I have a novel idea, why dont we all try to act like civilized adults (or humans if your under the age required by your country) He's a actor. Can you say adults getting PAID to PRTEND. Would you ask Tom Hanks if he had AIDS? Would you ask Woddy Harelson if he's klilled people? Or if George Clooney has ever had to perform surgery?!?!? Same thing. As no straight man would roll around with another man,,,, Jake Gyheliehal/Heath Ledger did quite convincinly (for you know a few MILLION DOLLARS!!!) For a few million dollars hella few thousand dollars Id say I was Lucifer. Oh by the way, during the filming of Brokeback Mountain, the actress that played his wife (Michelle Williams) and he had a child sooooooo.
posted 3 years ago in Cameron Monaghan