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krnvincent's Replies
I'm sick of Georgie too. She seems to run the household and there's too much teen drama. It's also unrealistic in that she's never ridden a horse until she goes to Heartland at 12 or 13, then becomes a good enough trick rider to be in trick riding exhibitions. Then she rides hunt seat for a couple years and does well at local shows, but now she's Olympic material!!! It takes years to get good enough for the Olympics and I don't think she looks that great on a horse anyway. And she seems to have the same abilities as Amy!!! So now she can help train client's horses. Barf. She's not a compelling character and I don't know why they centered the show around her. I would like it if she was off the show, or more in the background. I wish Mallory hadn't left the show - she was kind of cute in an annoying way. I just started watching the show a couple months ago so I watch it on the BYU channel at night where they show 3 in a row, then catch up on the early shows on Youtube.
posted 4 years ago in Heartland (2007)