MovieChat Forums > Mephariel

Mephariel (58)



Why does it need to have color? It has stunning visuals of contrasting use of lightning and framing. Does it need additional colors? You can dream all day. I believe that. That doesn't change the fact that Dune '84 was a terrible film, critically, commercially, anyway you look at it. Look, if you want to be delusional and think Dune fans will be watching the '84 film and not Villeneuve's Dune years from now, that is your prerogative. The truth is, Dune '84 was a colossal flop and the film was so bad that the director himself disowned it. But go ahead and dream your dream. Yeah ok. You may not want to admit it, but the film is a success all the way around. So was the first film. It has a 8.8 rating at IMDB, and a 95% audience rating on RT. The Movie is most likely going to make around $700 million. They made it it work I think. I don't think Universal animated films are laud for storytelling though. The eyes seriously? All I see is stiff acting. "I can kill you with a word..." The forced anger with the rigid script, it was almost like the whole thing was made for stage theater. Chalamet wasn't the best either, but he at least organically captures both anger and vulnerability. Look at the Gom Jabbar scene in the 1984 version and how forced the pain acting is. MacLachlan is like a computer working with 0s and 1s. There is no subtlety. LOL, like what? MacLachlan's acting was terrible in Dune, and so were many of his costars. He was stiff as a board and never heard of word subtlety. Plus, he looked as bland as the guy next door getting mail. It is like the producer just said, "Get me the dude that looks like Luke Skywalker." I think people are in denial how bad the 1984 version is. Look at the scene below. After Paul said "silence," Siân Phillips' acting is literally me with 3 months of acting lessons. And don't get me started on the fight scene. Villeneuve's vision is light years ahead in cinematography, choreography, cast, etc. There is a reason Lynch isn't even willing to talk about his version and Villeneuve happily talks about his all the time. Do you have a mental defect? It is a movie, not real life. Do you think movies like Braveheart is historically accurate? Gladiator? Do you also have an issue with 57 years old James Bond beating guys like Dave Batista in hand to hand combat? Not just that but also best male soldiers half his age over and over again in like 26 films. There is "no way" right? Do you also have an issue with 67 years old Denzel Washington walking through a room of assassins without getting a scratch? Is that any more realistic than a female Indian warrior? This is a movie kid. This isn't real life. You know John Wayne wasn't really a Mongol leader right? You are a moron. Have you seen movies by Daily Wire? Yeah, conservatives have no clue how to make movies. Every movie is the same. Guns, military, tough white guy/gal. Zero depth whatsoever. Brain-dead films = conservative films. View all replies >