MovieChat Forums > WorldOfChances > Replies
WorldOfChances's Replies
Which year had better and/or worse films: 1976 or 1981?
Im an individual.
The BLM riots were BS. As I said above...
Floyd had already been screaming "I can't breathe" before he was laid on the floor. Not to mention the position Chauvin had Floyd in was completely protected by law. Not to mention that Floyd had spent his entire life being a criminal who at one point held a pregnant woman at gunpoint. What goes around comes around, and if Floyd were white, no one would disagree with this statement.
Floyd had already been screaming "I can't breathe" before he was laid on the floor. Not to mention the position Chauvin had Floyd in was completely protected by law and only resulted in death because of Floyd's drug intake. Not to mention that Floyd had spent his entire life being a criminal who at one point held a pregnant BLACK woman at gunpoint. What goes around comes around, and if Floyd were white, no one would disagree with this statement.
But a large number of Spaniards don't have Native blood and still call themselves Hispanic because of the Latin American country they come from.
Or they dont know they have it and still consider themselves just Hispanic as their race.
Leg workouts are hard because building thigh, calf, muscles are hard but good on you for trying hard anyway!
Any positive you can find, take it
No, she was just shy and didn't put effort into her appearance.