MovieChat Forums > Kokoro
Kokoro (40)
This series is good!
Could have worked
What is your version of the show?
Bad director
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They could have left at any time without money. They were minors. The state would have taken them in. They were malnourished and in poor health. Their mother would have been charged but might have just gotten probation due to her family being wealthy. Once the children became adults they could sue their mother and grandmother. If they didn't care about privacy they could have made the talk show circuit and written a book like Mommy Dearest.
I thought the original idea was for Gizmo to become Stripe making the ending more tragic. The original screen play was pretty messed up including the mother not surviving the Gremlin attack.
No Kristen Schaal for Peach's voice. Honestly I never got hyped by famous actors voicing animated movies. They usually took away from the movie. The exceptions being Aladdin, Toy Story and Shrek.
How many older men do you see walking around with horrible Karens. The women were obviously nicer to them until they put a ring on it. Sometimes men can't get past a women's look until it's too late. Ask Johnny Depp.
I always thought he won on a few selective local bets before winning it big on his 21 birthday. He probably invested the money into his businesses and enterprises. That is where his real wealth came from. The early bets only made him famous and got him the connections he needed to succeed.
Everything about it is awful. The acting,the writing, the cheap special effects and the set etc. Who really thought doing a CW teen drama with Resident Evil elements was a good idea. Plus the zombie apocalypse is caused by Wesker's two dumb daughters.
Tom Cruise plus a great soundtrack and locations. It made 50 millions on Tom Cruise's character just uttering "I love you. I want to marry you". Every woman in America wanted to hear that coming from Tom Cruise in 1988.
It always looked like Alicia Silverstone.
She definitely started seeing the other guy across from her at the jail cell. Probably lost her job and moved in with her parents.
She hasn't been eye candy for ten years.
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