MovieChat Forums > stan5409
stan5409 (8)
PART 3: Spanky watching this had his Roman Soldier twirling like the top of his helmet in Beginners Luck while Daisy was starting to feel funny down there rubbing against the back of the lady she was dragging. By now laughing was unbearable while they watched a frozen Roman standing with his mouth open, Spanks mom trying to run pass the stand Spanky put on stage earlier but caught and ripped off her slip and bra,but there's more. They also see the snob, who used the mom as her shield, crawling and sliding across the stage leaving a shiny wet line on the floor seen by the audience. The last thing the audience saw was the very hard last pull Daisy did to free the lady with the hook in her butt. Quickly both moved way out in public view while the stuck up lady ended up with her back facing the audience face down knocked out with her spread legs and butt. Most went to therapy for months after this humiliation.
Part 2: Daisy's mom was exposed wearing a Butt lifter Open Buttock Shaper Girdle that stuck out her butt. The other stuck up woman wore an expensive cocktail gown that was being unhooked causing her gown to start sliding down to her ankles. She didn't stop it since by now she was in shock like a deer in the headlights.Humiliated she covered her backside with her hands but used Spanky Mon as her shield by hiding her mink pushing face to face, as per Spankys mom, she wrapped her arms around to cover the open buttock
girdle. Spankys Mom "EEKED" AS the breast up lifer girdle couldn't keep her stretch marked globes inside. She was so proud what her friends saw from the outside but now they see smaller hanging stretched marked bags.Spanky could do nothing since his shorts were gone and he was left dangling. The two women were trying to hope very slowly but the rubbing shrubs started to change the expression on both faces. Freaked out Daisy had to try again by hooking the bra strap of bra and hooking spankys mom catching the thigh are of the girdle. She gave it her all but after disrobing both one turned in anger and dragged the pole and give one big pull causing Daisy to twirl around by the rope she put on but when the end of the rope hooked on Daisy's dress,ripping it off and the sound of screaming was deafening. The angry stuck up lady dropped the pole and ran toward Daisy to teach her a lesson. Just as she got to Daisy she was tripped by the pole on the floor and her backside fell right on the hook on the pole. The audience went wild and she tried to get the hook out of her behind but was having trouble so Daisy, embarrassed in her Cinderella panties, tried to help by wrapping her arms around the lady from behind and started dragging the woman away from the hook but heard soft moaning from her. It was caused by where daisy put her hands to get a good grab.
Daisy is crying and embarrassed because she can see the men in the audience are aroused. She yells out to the audience, "Stop looking at my mommy" to no avail. She finds a poll longer than the one Spankys mom used with dual hooks shaped like a V and a hook on her side that attaches to a Hook Strap that she puts on her waist for leverage. She's now even more embarrassed because one of Spanks mom snooty friends jumps on stage to try to get Spank's mom backstage. All Daisy can see are a bunch of bent over butts trying to do their part. She knows her mother is hidden on the other side in front of the ladies. Daisy, with her tongue sticking out on her lip to the side, is slowly getting the pole past the big derrieres and smiles because she's hooked who she thinks is her mother but instead the hook grabbed Spanky's little Roman Shorts followed by a scream that did not sound like a woman. It must have been some show since the ladies heads were facing downward in shock. She got a quick glimpse of the Roman Soldier which was something she has never seen so she felt funny down there. She tries again but this time hooking two of the blocking women. One was her mom and the other a snooty arrogant friend. As mentioned at the beginning this pole had a dual hook that looked like a V. Her mom got one side and her friend the other at the same time. This is why Daisy used the belt hook she hooked thru a large button hole on her dress and wrapped the belt around her for security in the same way deep sea fisherman wear a special belt for leverage. Daisy is trying to pull but it's just too heavy of a duo so she leans backwards using all of her weight. First comes the two screams as they still remain standing from where they stood but the ripping sounds were two dresses. The hook caught the collar of Daisy's Mom and hooked on the a zipper that goes from the top to the hem on the other woman. To be contiinued
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That's when Daisy realizes she must be adopted. Her mother losing her dress reveals who she really is.
Your story was erotic and seeing the same for Spanky's mom would have been too. There is just something about beauty, even an extremely passable Tranny, being embarrassed and exposed for who they really are. As an afterthought, it would have been an extra thrill if the grandmother was also involved in the "group" embarrassment. I say "Group, since this humiliation doesn't escape Spanky.
Great story. Wish it were longer> I've always had the thought of a wig pulled off and it would be the topping on the cake.
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