MovieChat Forums > Jsully9 > Replies
Jsully9's Replies
No because the Matrix sucks and all you fans of it are fucking nerds.
It should be a remake w a white cop, switch the shit like they do with white people..
Not me, FUCK GEORGE FLOYD AND this lesbian fish eater. They're both pieces of shit..
Joe Biden is the mess at the bottom of a Porta John. Fuck him and ALL you head case liberals. May you all get Covid, Queer Monkey Pox and AIDS. You've all fucked up this world. Fuck off!!
Women don't have dicks, oh wait Michelle Obama has one. Wait that would make her a man!
I would rather smash my toes with a hammer than watch this horseshit.
Americans know more about Hogan's Hero's than WWII because teachers would rather spew their liberal tranny loving ways on TikToc. Teachers would rather talk about pronouns and lesbian love affairs. Just teach the shit you were hired to teach.
I bet she ate his butt!
They had a previous relationship. While making love, Daniel clinched his buttcheeks, squeezing Mike's weiner. He's still a little sore.
Please no, Hollywood will put in Fags, Lesbians, Trannys and colored people..iIt'll be a huge pile ok donkey shit.
Another day to say FUCK YOU to Joe Biden and the cocksucker liberals. May you all get gay Monkeypox and Aids! Enjoy the evening...
They should leave this stupid bitch over there. The WNBA is a fucking joke, a punchline!
Hahaha...Fuck this women..And Fuck the left. This "thing" will always be a WOMAN.. Cutting off your tits doesn't make you a man. It only makes you a woman with no tits, you idiots!