timdbailey's Replies

The new version is superior. I like both. You also get Johnny Knoxville in the new one. At first it is promising, then it drags. And then it runs off the rails , and NOTHING AT ALL ever really happens. Don’t get suckered into wasting your time. If you want to watch something very good ( I hoped this would have been similar) ——-check out The Mist (2007 Thomas Jane). The ending is great and sticks with you. I took it to mean Michael was joking by implying Grandpa killed Mr Johnson (then he would have stuffed him) to get him out of the way. Then he could have the widow Johnson. A prequel with Carter Slade on the horse in the old west would be badass. Have him fight the unstoppable cowboy from the Preacher TV series (and comics)! I guess I'll just talk to myself since I'm alone here ha Well they definitely succeeded! As a Death Wish fan, I loved this. It was like a fun throwback movie. I enjoyed it. And he is definitely Bronson's twin.