MovieChat Forums > AlexD > Replies

AlexD's Replies

You don't understand what bigotry is. clearly. Unless believing in science and biology as opposed to modern "queer theory", which by the way many LGBT do NOT subscribe to. Still dont' know what that means. and newslfash.... having a different opinion from you doesn't mean "bigot". Saying that Transwomen cannot get pregnant and have children is not bigoted. Let me guess, you're trans. In which case. that would explain it ALL!!!!! again..... doesn't change the facts. You've 'quoted' or "replied' to things you think I said but they were actually said by someone else. again, anyone reading this can clearly see who threw out the ad hominem attacks first. Wrong again. you said: "The only reason not to accept it is because you have something against lgbt persons." I was pointing out how wrong YOU were assuming I have something against LGBT people. It's funny that you called the other poster (whom you also keep confusing me with) "limited" given your poor comprehension skills. There you again putting words in my mouth. Sane people reading his thread can see who is rational and who is not . Enjoy. i dnt even know what "wum" means. Probably because I don't live in a the weird echo chamber of your psychotic mind. I started this thread. YOU get the fuck off it with your rude attitude. And how dare you question my identity Mr/Miss Identity politics hypocrite. You're reply speaks for itself. Get help dude. Oh, the irony! Ad hominem attacks.... the sure sign of great debating skills. you have not shown how a biological male could be 30th century Dreamer's ancestor. In contrast, I posited a plausible theory, although given Nia saying she "transitioned" early on, it's unlikely she kept her testicles and thus sperm producing capability. Maybe if you tried to condense your babbling about rare mutations into a coherent sentence that would explain how Nia could be Dreamer's ancestor, you'd make more sense. i.e. are you saying Nia is really XX but due to some mutation she "expressed" male in childhood, and thus she really was always an XX and thsu could be Dreamer's great-great-great - grand "mother?" If so, just state that. You haven't refuted anything Sokar said, which are all scientific facts. You're so off topic. The topic of this thread is how Nia---self-identified transgender, i.e. born a biological male yet transitioned in childhood to "female gender"---could possibly be a biological ancestor to Dreamer in the Legion, when: 1. The show's mythology has stated that the Dream Power is passed down via females 2. Nia cannot pro-create as a female as she has no female sex organs (ovaries, uterus etc.) A scientifically sound answer might be that she kept her male sex organs (testes) and thus was able to provide sperm to father a child.....most likley a female, who perhaps carried the Dream power via the Nia's X chromosome. <<<<The only reason not to accept it is because you have something against lgbt persons. Either way, we’re done here.>>>>> I am an "LGBT Person" myself, so your logic here is quite faulty and belies your own prejudices more than anything else. You're now talking about mutations and rare conditions that occur in approx 1% or less of the population. So I guess we can say Nia Nal had that rarity, but the vast majority of "transgender" people do not. As the previous poster stated, barring a genetic abnormality, someone assuming Nia was born XY she cannot reproduce in the standard, biological way. Now maybe Brainy developed cloning or something, but that still would create another XY male. Her DNA is XY if she was born male. EVERY CELL. Not just the genitals. You can't change DNA. True, but I got the sense it was passed down on the female side, thugh I guess the creators threw that out with the whole "Nia got the powers instead of her sister".