MovieChat Forums > robocop2019
robocop2019 (215)
A realistic movie with a ruthless evil character where good doesn’t always triumph in the end
Recommend me a movie that has theme of self sacrifice.
Looking for Movies with a Bold, Carefree Male Lead Who Lives Life Without Boundaries
Suggest me a movie that is 10/10 in terms of storyline and plot.
Which movie released in the past, in your opinion would be unacceptable/banned today?
A movie that made your blood rush with adrenaline and had you cussing?
Survey: Please take the poll in the description to know average age of participants on this forum
Any South Korean Movie Fans here?
Light hearted feel good movies like Uncle Buck , My Cousin Vinny and The Groundhog Day
Movie with a Gangster/Criminal like Ma-Dong Seok in Korean movie The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil
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I have and it definitely is one of my most favorite ones.
I guess it's because everybody wants a happy ending.. and yes it makes movies very predictable. You know what is going to happen, just don't know how it will happen.
I haven't watched any of the films you listed yet, except for A Serbian Film. I haven't watched Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) or Men Behind the Sun (1988) for the same reason you mentioned—they seem too exaggerated, something that wouldn't happen in real life. The Game of Thrones scene I mentioned may very well have happened at some point in history; in fact, many times. It wouldn't be that hard to believe.
The reason I mentioned the GOT scene is because it checks all the boxes I had:
Overwhelming physical strength
Set in olden times when one could get away with anything
No remorse
Total domination, both physically and psychologically
The bad guy wins
Which of those movies would you say checks most of the boxes? Regarding #6, it's okay if the bad guy eventually loses, as long as it's after doing a lot of winning. I know that there aren't a lot of movies out there where the bad guy wins.
sorry to disappoint you but no. These are just questions based on what kind of movie I want to watch based on my mood on that day. A lot of people love serial killer movies.. doesn't mean they have serial killer traits or tendencies.
Have you ever wondered what would it be like to live a certain way? Or what goes on in the mind of a man who is in prison? Or what it is like to climb Mount Everest? Movies are a way to live vicariously.
No, why?
There Will Be Blood is on the top of my list! What a movie!
You don't
If they are not genres, what are they?
I Saw the Devil and Confession of Murder are two of my top 3 as well. The Gangster, the Cop and the Devil being the 3rd.
I will check it out as well .. Thank you :)
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