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SirReal's Replies
From a NY Times review in 1977. The OP was onto something. "Miss Dowd, who considers herself a feminist, seemed annoyed when it was suggested that “Slap Shot” has strong sexist overtones. especially in the hockey players’ attitudes and comments about women, and in a seemingly gratuitous scene about an unhappy hockey wife who has experimented with lesbianism. “The only scene I thought twice about writing was making the team's rich, uncaring owner (played by Kathryn Walker) woman.” Miss Dowd said. “I worried about people saying I had made a sexist statement. But I've seen that woman's attitude so many times: ‘I never let my children see a hockey game.’” https://www.nytimes.com/1977/03/03/archives/author-says-her-slap-shot-talk-is-realistic.html
posted 6 years ago in Slap Shot (1977)