MovieChat Forums > Cinegeek > Replies
Cinegeek's Replies
This was explained by Doc Brown in Part II. In the Back to the Future trilogy the theory of time travel depicted is based on parallel universes. When a change is made in the past it creates a parallel universe. Doc explains it to Marty after they return to 1985 from 2015 and Marty finds his mom married to Biff who is now living Donald Trump's life.
Killing off Q was the dumbest thing ever. It was also a travesty that Hugh died without ever getting to see his friend Geordie. He thanked Picard for freeing him but didn't even mention Geordie who literally saved his life by convincing Picard that he was worth saving.
If Harrison Ford can still be Indiana Jones then the OG Ghostbusters crew can handle a few proton packs!
Some people enjoy watching and discussing stupid, obscure movies. What kind of movies do you like watching and talking about?
Oh, haha! Duh! I sometimes still have a hard time realizing that the prequels were 20 years ago.
He’s only five years older than the last time he was seen in the movies.
I think a cool title that would fit better with the first two would be Bill and Ted's Triumphant Return.
The guy in your second video actually agrees with me. You must not have watched the video. He says exactly what I said. He said the grip was limiting, awkward, has less reach and that a standard grip is better. Sorry man, Rey and Kylo fight like morons. Their fighting technique is just one of many things the writers get wrong because they writing about something they don't understand. They're out of their element and it shows.
Not sure what you were trying to prove with that video. Sure you can dance around with it but it says nothing about reach, power or defense. Just pick up a broom handle or a baseball bat. Swing it in front of you and see how far your reach, arch and power will be limited with the reverse grip as opposed to the standard grip.
My comment about the lightsabers wasn’t about weight. It was about reach. It would be harder to accurately attack and harder to defend using a grip and stance like they did.
Oh, man. When I came back and read my comment it kinda seems jerky. Glad you didn't take it that way.
A lot of people I know that do content with puppets are scared about COPPA and the way YouTube is handling things and some maybe should be because they're on the borderline but a lot of us are making content that's really for adults and we just happen to use puppets.
Thanks, for checking out our channel. We still have some bugs to work out but I feel like we're making improvements each time we make a new episode. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
I thought it was ok while watching it but the more I think about it the worse it seems. There were so many plot hole, logical fallacies and things that happened that were just too convenient. I think I liked it at first because it was better than the disastrous TLJ but nothing makes sense. It would have made more sense for Rey to be a Skywalker. I mean what woman during the original trilogy was going to let Palpatine put his shriveled up dong in her. The entire sequel trilogy just seems like a poorly written fan fiction by someone that wasn't even really a fan to begin with.
This movie was poorly written and created by people who have no understanding or respect for the original stories. They throw stupid plot lines together that are just too convenient. They just happen to fall into the tunnels where the thing they're looking for is, they just happen to be standing at the exact right place when they realize the dagger lines up with the wreckage and points to the location of the thing they're looking for, Finn just has a hunch that the ship he shoots is the one that's directing the fleet now, Chewbacca just happened to be on a different transport.
Everything was just too convenient and nothing that happened had any consequences except for Kylo's sacrifice and by the time that happened I really didn't even care anymore. He went good then bad then good then back to bad so much I just wanted him to go away and was happy when he finally did. Anakin was a whiney turd in the prequels which really hurts my perception of Vader in the original trilogy. Kylo being his emo grandson and idolizing him makes perfect sense. Its about the only thing in the entire sequel trilogy that does make sense.
You made a lot of good points. I'll add a few of mine.
- Poe can just hyperskip all over the place in the Falcon even when he's inside a planets atmosphere surrounded by obstacles but Han Solo, who was more familiar with the ship had to explain to Luke that they couldn't just jump to hyperspace without doing some calculations they could fly into a star, etc.
- Lukes X-wing was submerge in water for what 20-30 years and they just raised it and Rey was able to fly it. The power source and engines are just fine being underwater all that time. The interior would be completely deteriorated but other than a little weathering on the outside it looked and functioned just like any other X-Wing in the fleet.
- Rey was able to sense Chewie later in the film but couldn't sense that he was on a different ship when she thought she had killed him.
- If Rey can levitate then why did she seem so concerned and have to struggle so much when she was climbing around in the Death Star wreckage. Why didn't she just levitate up to the top where she needed to be.
- Luke Skywalker searched for the stupid Sith dagger and finally gave up but Rey and the gang practically tripped over it the first place they went and looked. They wouldn't have even been in the right place if their skiffs didn't blow up and drop them in the quicksand or whatever that crap was.
- Why the hell do Kylo Ren and Rey both hold their lightsabers backwards so often. Grab something shaped like a sword and swing it at something. You have less control, less reach and less power when you hold it like that and it's ridiculous that either of them would choose to fight that way but the fact that they both do it is just moronic.
- To retrieve a piece of data from C-3POs memory you have to format his memory? That's like if your computer has a locked file but to retrieve it you have to erase everything else. He couldn't translate Sith but what's to keep him from just telling telling them where to go.
We do movie reviews with puppets. Just because something has puppets doesn't mean it's for kids. Is Avenue Q for kids. Also we made a video talking about our favorite sexy underwear scenes just to be not he safe side so YouTube would know for sure that our content isn't intended for kids.
But kids wielding proton packs makes perfect sense. The trailer looked like a poorly thought out fan film.