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Forget's Replies

Rena's poison wasn't hidden by beauty - it was out in the open. White Oleanders are deceptive because of their beauty, much like Ingrid, Starr, and even Claire, whom Claire was able to further poison by giving her a push. Ultimately, with Rena, Astrid saw it coming. (Rena is the opposite of a white oleander; dark and outwardly rough. Ingrid, Starr, and Claire all represent the same light in their looks as a white oleander) There are other nuances, as well, but this is the underlying current. Coming in late, but just started watching. His behaving poorly over a job that got him fame and nearly 3 million a year made Kevin drop quite a few points in attractiveness. He's very nice looking, but wow! Everybody feels put-upon and crushed by their job; being a brat because you don't like source material that gets you laid and an extremely nice, beyond comfortable living is off-putting. Plus, he made a commitment to that job. Ducking out of a contract because someone feels the work (one agreed to) is beneath them is pretensious and unprofessional, and it absolutely should give someone a bad reputation for being difficult to work with. What a baby. I can't imagine many people related to his little crisis. Kevin and Kate are non- dentical. They shared a womb and a birthday, but are very much fraternal; any other scientific twin-beliefs are a non-factor. This is what minutely annoyed me when it was said, by Kate, that she feels everything Kevin does - or when it was suggested when we saw her react to his plane landing in NY. If anyone is a believer in the romantic capabilities of twins somehow being connected through the erhersphere, they can ignore it 100%, here. Having said that, sometimes siblings don't look related. I've seen that myself through my friends. On the other hand, I look very much like my 12-mos.-older brother (people used to think we were twins), and we both have similarities to our other brothers. So, that, I can suspend disbelief on. 5 years later, but... I think you are mixing up dynamics here. Ronald was deemed a high school outcast by his entire class and beyond. In addition to how he dressed and his "eccentric" interests, his classmates would have all treated him poorly because of his high school social status. We see how easily influenced they are by his "dating" Cindy; that's the premise of the movie. Charleze, in YA, is not a teenager, but a broken woman (who's on her way to alcoholism). She goes to Patton, in need of comfort, and may be on her way to being a better person, until Patton's sister reminds her of her shallow existence and praises it. Right? That's very glaring! There has to be a back door... Yes... Police stations close because daily business is done for the day and people use 911 for emergencies. There also may be an operator still avail., though, and officers are still out on duty. So whether or not a police station closes has nothing to do with crimes being solved. Alerts go out to the powers that be at all times. Huh, yeah, we do. Plenty. You're either young, or woefully inexperienced. Stories are just a bit more complex than a shit sandwich... I'm not even going to finish reading your "retort". BeOneOfUs isn't proving *your* point, *you're* proving your own, especially if you think "open-minded" means one will believe anything. That is NOT what that means. Your first post was extremely ignorant to begin with, no you round things off with a near guarantee that you're truly THAT ignorant. The music he's playing isn't from their prom, it's from a mixed tape he made her. Oh, right... Those movies' poor ratings were the racists' fault ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ™„ WTF? I noticed as well, and I wondered if that was therapist-speak that had only become societally common recently. It stood out as strange for '93. You are extremely ignorant, and clearly know nothing of Hitler, or Trump, or conservatives and how conservatives are treated in this country, in order to say such ridiculous nonsense. Antifa acts like Hitler's Brownshirts Hitler had his citizens disarmed; Trump supports the 2A and what it stands for Antifa / Liberals tear down and remove statues they don't like, as Hitler did The mainstream media only tells their viewers what they want them to know (and their never condemning Antifa for their actions because they represent the Leftist agenda is tantamount to condoning their violence), just as the German gov't did. This is why you know nothing of the Left and believe their BS that Trump is akin to Hitler. Democratic socialistic (and incidentally Muslim) Congresswomen candidly speak out about their hatred of Jews and are not condemned for it, as Germans in high places did Supporters who wear shirts and hats bearing Trump's name and motto either are or risk being physically harmed, as Jews were. Trump pleads for unity; the Leftist machine bullies the NYTimes into changing their headline from "Trump Urges Unity v. Racism" to something anti-gun, which is a Leftist agenda (sound like the gov't only wanting people to know what they want them to know? ) The Left celebrates the murder of newborns, calling it "abortion" Thee Left puts illegal immigrants above U.S. citizens and allows them to vote in our elections in order to help them win their positions The Left wants to disarm Americans (as Hitler did) The Left blames Jews, Christians and conservatives, as Hitler blamed the Jews The Left declares everything will be "free" and will take care of its citizens, as Hitler did I could go on, but I'm certain a small mind has not only quit reading by now, but has laughed all of this off as false - in denial as the Germans were It'a gross how you Trump haters overlook your own similarities to Nazis and Fascists in general. Good catch! I should have registered that and all the other mentioned, current political garbage. Unless we're allowed to assume she went to prison for 18 mos. in early 2018, which, I feel, is too much to ask. Actually, they made this movie already with Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone; Cold Creek Manor (2003). Same plot. Don't know if it's pointless to mention since it's been so long, but: There are really no racial undertones here; I believe that is just modern-day paranoia on your part. As far as the film is actually concerned (and why it actually works), this is about a foreigner and her hubris toward another country's superstitions. The Japanese respect the forest for what it is, yet she does not buy into it, carelessly refusing to heed the warnings and shrugging them off as ridiculous; she has an important task and no time for local superstitions. What happens, ultimately, is what usually happens when hubris is exercised: humility is exacted. Additionally, this is why the forest gets her and not her sister; her sister deliberately went there, understanding and respecting the lore. Her sister was also living in Japan, making her a local who realized the place for what it was. Her twin (Sarah) went in search of her, not believing on the "foolishness" of what, in her mind, amounted to a ghost story and nothing more; she had sadness in her heart - she worried for her sister, and was haunted by a childhood trauma. Her twin (Sarah) was vulnerable to the forest, and therefore was manipulated. Sarah felt her twin sister (Jess); knew she was alive and refused to listen to the locals; Jess knew her twin sister (Sarah) was dead, and that is why she did not insist on going into the forest to look for her at the end of the film. Jess honored the forest and knew it was pointless, and a risk, to go after her twin when she knew the forest had gotten to and taken her. You literally have no idea what you're talking about, or how to articulate it. You're not an intellectual because you fancy yourself as some righteous defender of the downtrodden. JC, you are annoying! Ew. Really? You're gonna tattle over an honest response because you're offended? Grow up, you big baby. I can't even tell you just how annoying and gross your statement was. You need a life; some real problems so you have some perspective to chew on instead of simple words that hurt your feelings and delicate sensibilities. It's called "Unfriended" because they were "unfriended" via death. It's a pun/wordplay.