MovieChat Forums > FakeGoldChainz

FakeGoldChainz (40)


Looking forward to this. NEW Instagram pic shows HERO CHARACTERS having fun! One of the greatest Mexican actors. I want to see this but Everyone was dancing in the theater aisles when i went to see this Called the American Flag tired and old Maybe they should drop the word Masters from the title Should Holly have returned and played a school teacher All the Rap songs kept me hooked View all posts >


It did! Agreed, Big Gay Love is great! Watching this right now with my sister lol. Could Terminateors time travel back far enough to when the Dinosaurs lived lol? The best one is Terminator 1 is the best film in the series. hE was a real good actor. It was the 80s. Was't Matt also a terminator? If he begins making a string of interesting movies in the next coming years it will be 5 great decades of Johnny Depp movies! This looks liek terrific fun. View all replies >