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OldSchool (18)
Am I the only person that thinks
What series is as good or better than Ray Donovan? Please dont insert spoilers of any type about the show
I have watched a LOT of TV and movies in my life, but the Ray series is
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I thought that it was 100% ironic for Maher to call ANYONE obnoxious. To me, he is the epitome of it!
Started a professional photography studio in downtown Minneapolis, 2500 sq ft, shot advertising and fashion. Was a huge amount of work and the work came in faster and faster until I couldn't keep up with it all.
ok. :) humor rec'd. :)
Hey thanks! I am new here, not a fan of murderers, no matter if they are killers or killers of killers. ;)
Shogun: I read that they have a man in custody that they suspect, he is a Greek hitman that was in prison. The biggest complaint I read was stated by a former Prison Warden who said, "you don't put a high visibility prisoner like Bulger in general population, that warden just was setting Bulger up to be killed. Especially an older guy in a wheelchair."
The hitman was a guy that hated men that hurt women and Whitey was known to have killed women so that was part of it.
well, to be honest, I miss the 60's. But, I might be a bit older than you. ;)
It was a simpler time, less stress, less crime, certainly less VIOLENT crime and much less drugs. It was a time when America was stretching it's arms and waking up. Now we are what we are and I question if the country will even exist as a separate country in 50-100 years.
I also wanted to mention that I thought that Bunchie's character was the one that was THE most human, realistic, and down to earth. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and as a fellow alcoholic (with 35 yrs of sobriety) I can certainly relate to that trait! It was his past that hurt him and to this very minute he is still reliving the pain on a daily basis. Every decision, every choice he makes today or tomorrow is affected by what happened to him as a child. And he shows us that so skillfully.
I choose a series or film I like by how well the actors make me think about the person they are portraying, or secondly, how much they make me hate them.
The person that I hated in the series was that old shrew that leant Mickie money and who talked in "short bursts" and pursed her lips when thinking or before telling you what she has decided will happen to you, regardless of your concerns, thoughts or feelings.
Ray was a powerful character on screen, but Bunchie made me sad for him, he made me worry about his next move. Will the female wrestler hurt him, steal his money, will he drive the getaway car ok, will Mickie use him again, and on and on.
Fascinating theory. I spent 6+ months there and never heard that "urban legend" uttered.
I suppose that in the past there may have been some truth to it but I would be hard pressed to believe it now.
I spent hundreds of hours printing the photos taken and relived the pain each person experienced at their tragic end, over and over. Each negative got more painful to print, the enlarger was not forgiving and opened it's lens to show all of us how terrible and cruel death can be when it comes to take you. Regardless of fame, fortune or wealth each person on this flight was brought to be equal with the others at the end.
Ironically that was the second plane crash I had been part of, the other was a P3 Orion that crashed in Maine in 1978 I believe it was. This provided me with the ability to step outside myself and do the job.
What no one will ever tell you is that when you come home from a job like that, working in and around the rubble, burnt corpses, and spending day after day searching for clues and documenting each one with a camera, is that you literally have to throw your clothes away because the smell will almost never come out. You shower with a ferventness and try hard to wash your hair clean of the scent...
I am working hard to be very respectful of the situations and not over dramatize it and certainly not to feel at all sorry for myself, but rather to represent the truths of working in these extremely complicated scenarios and presenting it in a non-cinematic manner or fashion. These types of situations are represented daily on screen and what the movie screen cannot and does not do is to represent the reality of each situation, that being that those that document, study, explore, scientifically work to examine it all can never put a simple handkerchief over the memories, they are implanted for eternity.
My point, you ask? There is nothing romantic about working in the industry that helps study the accidents or murders after the fact, but there is something that needs to be said and that is, every person involved in the chain of command needs to be given the utmost of respect because it is a "permantly ugly scar on that persons memory or soul"
Eric56: Ant. is a multi country agreement that it would be used only for scientific purposes until 2100 or something like that. After that I believe the agreement will need to be renewed.
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