MovieChat Forums > SpaceAce2001 > Replies
SpaceAce2001's Replies
That makes sense thanks
But what made him want to follow mike so passionately? I mean he could have followed victor or Tyra’s or Gus but he had a hard on for mike and even rear ended and killed a guy just so he could stay on mikes trail
I would rather he live and suffer than get an easy death. Let’s be honest the rest of his life is going to be nothing but pain and suffering
You cannot say that with any kind of justification because the supernatural has never even been observed. Saying god did it is such a cop out, you can use that to explain anything without any evidence.
Well that’s good to hear that you wouldn’t condemn me to hell, you are more moral than the god of the Bible who if he actually exists and the Bible is actually accurate would send myself and about 65 percent of the worlds population to eternal torment.
Yes he did because Brody was the one who immediately recognized the threat the shark posed.
Verbal was clearly the mastermind behind the whole thing, he was Keyser Söze and whoever Pete P. plays (his real name can’t be Kobayashi) is his subordinate or possibly lawyer
The thing is though we can’t trust the scenes that are flashbacks because verbal was established to be a liar/a con man
Seriously dude if you are going to attack science and debate me back and forth with essay questions at least have the courage to stand by your religion. You know what your bible says and you know it’s an immoral system .
The reason G doesn’t sell well is most people assume it’s a kids only film, the reason X doesn’t sell well is people assume it’s porn, if the rating system was reconfigured our perceptions would change
And it was still nominated for Best Picture so an X rating doesn’t automatically mean a film is going to be unsuccessful
Don’t hide like a coward just answer the question. I’m not asking what the Bible says I am asking your opinion.
I don’t have a problem with you being Christian, you live your life how you want to. I would like to be able to live my life and not have to hide who I am out of fear of being judged and being treated like there’s something wrong with me.
Which is why it is reserved for films that are overly violent or sexually explicit
You never answered my question: Do you think I'm going to hell and if so do you agree with it?
Right Judge Kavanaugh should have had a more positive attitude while the left lied and assassinated his character.
Naw just more than someone just saying it happened
And we gave dr Ford a fair chance to tel her story, there was never any evidence to support her claim.