MovieChat Forums > frozencloud
frozencloud (123)
Dr. Strange would've told Peter to go fuck himself
Peter Parker asks Dr. Strange... (SPOILERS)
34 Felony Convictions and 0 Jail Time
Nothing heroic about shooting a man in the back
Elon Musk's support for Donald Trump
What if sniper succeeded? Martyrdom?
One thing that puzzles me...
The fight between Snake and the Duke
Overrated snooze fest
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I seen her in an outfit where her breasts actually looked adequate.
The sniper was a registered Republican. Even the right can't stand the clown.
The 1955 sequel to the original movie called "Godzilla Raids Again" explains that there is another Godzilla creature.
People voted for Trump a few years ago. So yes, it's quite possible.
Ariana Grande
Spoken like true Eurotrash.
Danish Gambit. Sacrifice two pawns for rapid development and vicious attacks with the bishop pair.
"40 ounce malt liquor. Shaken, not stirred."
Doesn't have the same ring.
"There are no shines in my shine box!"
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