MovieChat Forums > wrecche > Replies
wrecche's Replies
We'll disagree to agree then.
I'm sure there is some dancing with the stars show that you are missing, somewhere.
no one forces you to eat any ones crap. You do it by choice.
You do realise there is diversity in real life, right? holy buckets.
Stop whinging, it's a good show. Even if two girls kiss.
I like the actors, so I am lost between the ideas... but of course, it would be awesome if done as this episode was. Yet, I'd still want to see the actual actors.
Would agree on more animated episodes of this caliber. It was brilliantly done.
you guys are a craic.. <3
So you have a family of 12 and know how to raise 'em, huh.. Ohh wait, you can't fit 12 kids in a trailer.
I'm hardly the modern generation. Unless you are still living in the 80's. lol
it was a JOKE, man... seems like the modern generation can't take a joke without being triggered...
Trust me, I've been called a simp more than once for just noticing a gorgeous lady, thought I'd just cast it about where the sun shines... no offense.. Ya simp :)
But all of her roles these days, call for that. And she does well.
still, I'm not looking up her noodz.. oO
She looks now, like someone took a bag of cats, and drowned them, then skinned them, and glued their skins to her face. yeeeet!
He wasn't the stereotypical male beta that took crap and sulked, like they love to portray males these days... you know, Bob.
Can't even be a proper bloke without criticism and wanton manufacturing to degrade a gender from some ex tech ops....
Yeah, there is, unless you like horror, cartoons or family orchestrated bunk.
Where have all the sci fi's gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the sci fi's gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the sci fi's gone?
The execs have cancelled them every one.
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Oh, When will you ever learn?
The SIMPsons... dah da da dahh da da dadadada dadadadada da da da dun! lol
I can't even get a decent GPS signal in my house. Let alone surrounded by rocky mountains.
Actors don't actually fly these things, you know that, right?
Same as they don't manufacture nuclear bombs, or go back in time to the 1930's to play a part...
Yes Doctor Who is prime time extravagant entertainment for all, she does have nice tits though. If you've seen her in that movie... whatever it was called. She should do more Shakespeare.
I think it's called telling a story. Not adhering to the same thing. idk, y'all are strange... Oo swings and roundabouts... not standing still doing the same thing over and over.
as I say, idk... to each their own.
Just go back to star trek the original... oof they kissed in that, kirk was a real man but uhhuh!
Don't say no baby, I've my phaser set on stunning.
everyone has to complain about wokeness and other diatribe to ignore a story... But I do agree, the amount of it was uncalled for, yet I was able to see past it. The story tells itself by the end, and I do want a season 2. it's left wide open for it...
Just enjoy a show and stop looking for things to bang on about, I say. In terms of the world as it is, this pales by comparison to it all..
And this too, is coming from someone who never read it, but is not so thin skinned that I dismiss a show based on kisses.
idk... maybe I'm wrong.
you are welcome to provide more nonsense if you want ...
Fully agree. Ignore the slow crowd!